HamRadioElPaso website additions

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Ham Radio El Paso

Nov 13, 2011, 2:32:52 PM11/13/11
Hello everyone
I've been working on some new web site features, and just added a "GuestBook" and a "Poll".
The Poll is just for fun to see how it works, but it may be useful for future projects.
The Guestbook posts the entries in a couple of minutes.  If someone posts something stupid, I can easily delete it, and in the future, I can easily set it up so that any guestbook entries would have to be reviewed before they are posted, thus preventing malicious postings.
Please check them out when you get a chance, and as always, your comments or ideas are welcomed.
I'm also working on ways for others to easily post information on the site by simply editing a Google document.  For example, if you wanted to have an area called "Meeting Minutes" (hypothetically), I could set up a text like document, embedded on the web page, so that all you would have to do is easily edit that Google document, and when you were done, it would automatically update itself to the web site,  If you look at the "Repeaters" page, I've done just that.  All I have to do is edit a document called "repeaters", and the changes are automatically (and transparently) posted to the web page.
Lots of good potential here, and it's really pretty easy.
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