> OK, this is where I’m having problems:
> %footer
> %strong
> ©
> {Time.now.year}
I think you want `#{Time.now.year}` here (i.e. you need the hash). You could probably put this on the same line as the one above, like this:
© #{Time.now.year}
Your syntax for the `a` tag there is wrong. You need either to make it look like a valid Ruby hash:
(i.e. replace = with => and make the keys symbols (or strings))
or use the HTML style syntax (<
http://sample.com", target="_blank") Sample.com
(i.e. use () instead of {})
> It’s throwing an ISE on a join.
Is this using Sinatra? There’s an issue using Sinatra with the latest Rack (1.6) where the development exception handler throws an exception trying to call `join` on a string. If that is the case try pinning Rack to the latest 1.5 version for now (until a new Sinatra version is released). This won’t fix your actual issue, but will prevent it from being obscured by the Sinatra/Rack bug.
More generally, Haml isn’t very good at inline tags like this. This example should probably work okay, but it involves breaking up your code in an awkward way to get the newlines in the right places. Also you will have trouble when you want to add punctuation immediately after a tag. Check out the FAQ entry about it: <
http://haml.info/docs/yardoc/file.FAQ.html#q-punctuation>. I would usually use something like the markdown filter here, although that might be tricky to get working with the `target` attribute. Your best bet might be to just use inline HTML for this link.