Haml 4.0.5 and 4.1.0.beta.1 have been released

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Norman Clarke

Jan 7, 2014, 10:30:02 AM1/7/14
to ha...@googlegroups.com
Hi all,

Haml 4.0.5 and 4.1.0.beta.1 have been released!

The sha1 sums for the gems are:

9cafd882b5eb29d3312afbf67028275cfe8e8770 - haml-4.0.5.gem
5b10e18f252bdb5d4d316f9384cd7c133d3608ec - haml-4.1.0.beta.1.gem

4.0.5 fixes an HTML escaping bug with the haml_tag and haml_concat helpers. It is recommended that anybody using Haml 4.0.x and the haml_concat and haml_tag helpers upgrade to this release.

4.1.0.beta.1 includes all changes in 4.0.5 as well as the following significant changes:

* Support for Ruby 1.8.7 dropped.
* Support for Rails 3.1 and lower dropped.
* General performance and memory usage improvements.
* Don't treat the 'data' attribute specially when merging attribute hashes.

On Ruby 2.0.0, Haml 4.1.0 is about 15% faster at rendering templates with typical production settings than 4.0.5, though the performance between versions is almost identical on Ruby 2.1.0.

Best regards,


Rok Kralj

Jan 31, 2014, 5:19:25 AM1/31/14
to ha...@googlegroups.com
It would be nice to have this in the forthcoming 4.1.0:

in short: add the option :collapse_whitespace along with current :remove_whitespace

Dne torek, 07. januar 2014 16:30:02 UTC+1 je oseba Norman Clarke napisala:
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