measuring temperature

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Nov 24, 2023, 3:48:50 PM11/24/23
to Halifax Makerspace
Shawn asked how many places around our house I was measuring temperature.

I may have a problem.


Shawn Wilson

Nov 24, 2023, 9:42:11 PM11/24/23
Why is that one graph at a stable 37C?!?!


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Nov 25, 2023, 7:45:34 AM11/25/23
to Halifax Makerspace
I was going to reply with a touching animated GIF of  Oprah Winfrey captioned with "You get a probe, you get a probe, everyone gets a probe."

But better to fake some social skills. And I never can figure out how to send animated GIFs.

Jan 9, 2024, 5:17:17 PMJan 9
to Halifax Makerspace
At a recent HMS show-and-tell, I talked about my array of temperature sensors, deployed to determine if heat pumps would work to heat our house. Since then, we got heat pumps installed in mid-December. 
Here's the last 30 days of temperatures in and around our house. The warm colours are near our hot water baseboards, or ambient inside temperature. The cool colours are outside, in the attic and the exterior of a window. You can see the baseboards became inactive on December 18th, when the heat pumps became active. Except for some time over Christmas, when we turned the bedroom thermostat up a bit for guests.

We got our NS Power bill today. It's up about 20%. Our oil usage is down, not sure how much, but maybe 40%.

Still early to say anything definitive. We're still learning how to work with the different style of heating. 

Screenshot from 2024-01-09 18-06-21.png
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