I'm just exploring Hakyll, and I cannot get it to change the files its matching. I've installed with Cabal.
I run `hakyll-init test-blog`, and then `cabal build && site clean && site watch`. The base site looks great.
If I change what the pattern that `match` functions are matching on, for example:
24 match "posts/nothing" $ do
25 route $ setExtension "html"
26 compile $ pandocCompiler
27 >>= loadAndApplyTemplate "templates/post.html" postCtx
28 >>= loadAndApplyTemplate "templates/default.html" postCtx
29 >>= relativizeUrls
And then I run again: `cabal build && site clean && site watch`
Shouldn't that break the generation of the sample blog posts? The site looks totally unchanged after I've done all this. I though that `match "posts/nothing"` should mean that no markdown files in /posts/ would be found to make blog posts out of.
Is this a strange cabal thing? Or am I doing something very silly? I feel like I should be breaking the site by changing these match patterns. But nothing changes! Any help identifying what I'm doing wrong would be much appreciated!