Fwd: Fw: CCCM meeting minutes and key documents on cholera response

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Haiti Child Protection Sub-Cluster

Nov 29, 2010, 12:05:04 PM11/29/10
to 3Li...@gmail.com, ada...@savechildren.org, agriclus...@gmail.com, AHDESE, akr...@internationalmedicalcorps.org, Albéric d’Aiglepierre (JMAC-MINUSTAH), alinn...@unicef.org, Aliocha Salagnac, Alix Frantz -OISED, allen...@hotmail.com, a...@tdh.ch, altajean...@yahoo.com, Alyson Eynon, Amanda Melville, amber....@gmail.com, AMI COORDO PROGRAMME, ando...@gmail.com, Andrej Verity, Andrew Johnton, Angela Wiens, ang...@un.org, Anil (Plan), anissa...@yahoo.fr, anna_m...@hotmail.com, Anna.Ga...@plan-international.org, Anne C. Edgerton, Anne-christine d'Adesky, anne-laure Duval (IRC- MINUSTAH), annie....@concern.net, annie....@gmail.com, Annika Lindqvist, antoine.l...@tdh.ch, appp.t...@yahoo.fr, mpcht...@yahoo.fr, odachorg...@yahoo.fr, arce...@hughes.net, Arlan Fuller, Arzu Hatakoy, au...@warchild.ca, Ayda Eke, ayit...@yahoo.com, Balletto, Raoul, ban...@un.org, barbarap...@gmail.com, bdlumum...@yahoo.fr, bellin...@yahoo.fr, belmon...@hotmail.com, benoitf...@consultant.com, benzakourman, Bernadette Sened - MINUSTAH, bern...@un.org, bernard...@hotmail.com, biguene...@avsi.org, bill_...@wvi.org, Bistransky, William J, bjorg_...@hotmail.com, Blerta Aliko, Blessing Hearts International, BMc...@heartlandalliance.org, Bony Mpaka- OCHA, borgell...@yahoo.fr, Brett Nelson, bune...@yahoo.com, Buti Kale, Cadh...@yahoo.fr, cant...@gmail.com, caph...@gmail.com, Cara Kennedy, carine....@unifem.org, caritas...@hotmail.com, Carline Allen, Carline Rouzeau, carole...@yahoo.fr, Caroline Peguet, cassandr...@yahoo.com, Catherine Barnett, Catherine HILTZER (Adjoint Opération Afrique EMDH Siège), cbmhaiti...@gmail.com, céline, cfra...@gmail.com, ch....@web.de, chiara....@yahoo.it, ch...@bessenecker.com, Christian Mabundu (IEDA), christin...@hotmail.com, Christine GOYER, cisp Comitato internazionale per lo sviluppo dei popoli, cjo...@edc.org, Clement Adjolohoun, cmater...@gmail.com, coleen...@gmail.com, colesp...@yahoo.fr, Comonce Frantz MINUSTAH, coordo.ope...@gmail.com, cosn...@yahoo.fr, cos...@pih.org, cpi...@yahoo.com, crbu...@gmail.com, ctor...@unicef.org, Daniela Pamminger (Caritas-Austria), Daniels, Linda K CIV DHRA, davey...@hotmail.com, dba...@savechildren.org, d...@tdh.ch, Deb Currelly, debbie...@wvi.org, deco...@ilo.org, Delphine Marce, delphine pastorel, Desinor, Olbeg (HAITI/HEALTH), desir...@yahoo.com, di...@allblessings.org, Diane Paul, dmt-ha...@tearfund.org, dno...@unicef.org, dno...@yahoo.com, dominic...@wvi.org, dorcem...@yahoo.fr, e.m...@knh.info, eang...@fh.org, Early Recovery 2, Early Recovery Haiti, edgar....@aldeasinfantilessos.org.gt, Eduardo.Ga...@theirc.org, Education, Education, EHue...@oxfam.org.co, eliz_...@yahoo.com, elm...@unfpa.org, Emergency Telecomms, Emmanuelle OHCHR, Environment, Erich Fellmann, Ev...@unfpa.org, Fanm Deside, Feinberg, Lloyd(DCHA/DG), fiammetta....@avsi.org, fi...@un.org, Food aid 2, foyerl...@yahoo.fr, foyer...@yahoo.fr, fren...@yahoo.fr, Frieda Mwebe, gar...@unicef.org, garo...@johnshopkins.it, garr...@yahoo.fr, garr...@yahoo.com, gbo...@unicef.org, GenCap Haiti, Genevieve Gravel, ges...@yahoo.fr, Gic Haiti, Gina Fleurantin, Gina Fleurantin, Giulia Scirocco (Save the Children-Jacmel), gloria...@avsi.org, gpre...@edc.org, Gregory Anderson, Grev...@savechildren.org, Griffen Samples, guer...@gmail.com, gueris...@yahoo.fr, gup...@jhu.edu, Gurvind...@redcross.ca, Haiti Cesvi, haiti...@amifrance.org, haiti.enfants....@gmail.com, haiti....@ifrc.org, hait...@icrc.org, ha...@amifrance.org, ha...@pinf.cz, hait...@gmail.com, hait...@googlegroups.com, haitiprote...@archq.org, Hannah Hoover, Hannah Meadow, hansbe...@yahoo.fr, Health 1, Health 2, hial.ref...@yahoo.fr, hieber-girardet, hmdh...@yahoo.fr, hom....@emdh.org, hom....@irworldwide.org, hrazafi...@msn.com, hrazafi...@padfhaiti.org, htp...@nca.no, hu...@un.org, Huebner-Utterwulghe, Gillian (GH/AA), ibe...@yahoo.fr, ijean...@icrc.org, interclusterhaiti interclusterhaiti, Irdele Lubin, j_w...@hotmail.com, jaf...@un.org, Jannini, Nettie (HAITI/GJD), Jay Lemery, jber...@unicef.org, j...@tearfund.org, jdebar...@gmail.com, Jean Buteau Remarque- save the Children, Jean E.Oplan- AHDESE, Jean E.Oplan- AHDESE, jean-b...@unfpa.org, jeanjuniorl...@yahoo.fr, Jeanne Pierre, Jennifer Leaning, jenn...@un.org, jerome....@yahoo.fr, sonad...@yahoo.fr, menpoued...@yahoo.fr, Jill (UNICEF), jimmy....@sos-haiti.org, jli...@unicef.org, jlo...@ijm.org, jo...@theglobalorphanproject.org, Johan Lukasse, John Currelly, John Williamson, jowel.l...@solano.edu, jrod...@iom.int, Judith Fadois, juliaa...@gmail.com, julie...@plan-international.org, JULIE.S...@acdi-cida.gc.ca, Junior R Mauvais-OCHA, jva...@unicef.org, Karelle Berkault -War Child Canada, karine...@mac.com, kathwil...@googlemail.com, katy.t...@undp.org, KBa...@bethany.org, kdie...@ht.mercycorps.org, Kenneth Brown, kh...@hsph.harvard.edu, ki...@state.gov, kp...@unicef.org, kton...@unicef.org, laug...@yahoo.ca, Laura Boone, Laura Cartanya (AECID), Laura Cometta, Laura Vogler, Lauren Woodside, laure...@hotmail.com, ldhbat...@gmail.com, ldhbat...@googlemail.com, Legates, Kate CIV USSOUTHCOM/SC-ST (L), len...@thinkitecture.com, lenor...@gmail.com, Leonard Zulu, Lgro...@unicef.org, lifeon...@gmail.com, linel...@yahoo.fr, Lisa Sheehe-Hilmi, lisa-el...@redcross.ca, Lizbeth Cullity, Louisdensie Saus, ls2...@columbia.edu, luca.p...@acted.org, m.n...@basichumanrights.org.uk, magali...@wvi.org, mak...@un.org, mamarlo...@yahoo.fr, Man...@un.org, Mansoor Masse (Hold Fontana), Marc LAROCHE, margo...@yahoo.fr, Marie Skálová, marie.del...@gmail.com, marielita....@gmail.com, Maury Mendenhall, Max Lamesh (SOS), maylis.d...@ifrc.org, mbdum...@padfhaiti.org, mbe...@usaid.gov, Mendenhall, Maury (GH/OHA/IS) [USAID], mendy marsh, mendy marsh, mervilje...@gmail.com, Michael Kastenbaum, micha...@gmail.com, miche...@hotmail.com, Michelle Trombley (UNICEF), Michelle Trombley-UNICEF, minja.p...@rb.se, Mireille Girard, mi...@savethechildren.ch, mlan...@unicef.org, mlu...@savechildren.org, mmacch...@iom.int, Mona Alexis-UNICEF, mon...@archq.org, mou...@warchild.ca, mpbo...@yahoo.com, msal...@unicef.org, MSF, msff-portaupri...@paris.msf.org, msfh-hai...@field.amsterdam.msf.org, msr...@online.no, mss...@gmail.com, Muiruri, Perlita [USAID], murr...@hotmail.com, mva...@digicel.blackberry.com, mwes...@rmc.edu, Myrland...@plan-international.org, myrland...@yahoo.fr, na...@imcworldwide.org, na...@internationalmedicalcorps.org, Natal...@hotmail.com, Nathalie Liautaud, Nca Haiti, nej...@yahoo.fr, Newton, Gary (GH/AA), newto...@yahoo.fr, nge...@unfpa.org, nim...@unicef.org, nor...@googlegroups.com, nougaisse...@yahoo.fr, nper...@unicef.org, Nutrition, OCHA, ode...@yahoo.fr, oderic.s...@hotmail.fr, OMB BATTLE STAFF CPT (L), OMB BATTLE STAFF IAPN (L), OMB BATTLE STAFF INTEL (L), OMB BATTLE STAFF MGR (L), OMB BATTLE STAFF NCO (L), OMB BATTLE STAFF OPS (L), org...@yahoo.fr, org....@yahoo.fr, Paige Ellison-Smith, parol...@yahoo.fr, pato...@hotmail.com, Patrice Chataigner, patrickc...@yahoo.fr, patr...@unfpa.org, Paul Villard, Paula Simas Magalhaes, pau...@hotmail.com, pcas...@yahoo.fr, pedrobs...@hotmail.com, pgav...@usaid.gov, phil...@un.org, Phyllis Kalifeh, Phyllis Kalifeh, plakan...@un.org, PLAN, Plan Haiti, poff.m...@gmail.com, pou...@unhcr.org, Protection Haiti, protection.p...@gmail.com, psicov...@gmail.com, p...@ht.missions-acf.org, R Sonderegger, Rachel Mikanagu, Rachel RICO BALZAN, r...@usa.om.org, rbena...@heartlandalliance.org, ricardo.n...@fulbrightmail.org, ritw...@gmail.com, r...@gheskio.org, Rony Theodore, Roosevelt Jean-Francois, rosyalc...@yahoo.fr, Ruvendrini Menikdiwela, sabine....@tdh.ch, sabine.ra...@tdh.ch, saiko...@yahoo.fr, sainti...@plan-international.org, sainti...@yahoo.fr, Sarah Smith, sa...@helpfororphans.org, sar...@holtintl.org, Saran Koly, Satchit Balsari, sba...@unicef.org, sbis...@unicef.org, SBr...@plancanada.ca, Sebastien Davis-VanGelder, se...@un.org, sergo....@plan-international.org, sg...@unicef.org, Shelter Haiti 2010, s...@tdh.ch, Shyamol A Choudhury, Silvia Danailov (UNICEF), sim...@un.org, SitRep - UNOCHA, sjeanso...@yahoo.fr, ske...@ht.mercycorps.org, soeurette...@gmail.com, sok...@unhcr.org, solveig...@gmail.com, soned...@yahoo.fr, sos....@sos-kd.org, spal...@unicef.org, ss...@unicef.org, stefano...@amicideibambini.it, Stephane Pichette, stepha...@aol.com, Sterlinda S Vital, steven....@tdh.ch, stmartin....@yahoo.fr, Sune Gudnitz, Sussman, Linda (GH/AA), taa...@usaid.gov, tam...@yahoo.fr, Tara Yip-Bannicq, tatie...@yahoo.fr, tba...@clintonhealthaccess.org, Terra Friedrichs, thi...@un.org, timoth...@reuters.com, Timyan, Judith (HAITI/HEALTH), tra...@theglobalorphanproject.org, tze...@yahoo.fr, ujd...@yahoo.fr, undac haiti, undach...@gmail.com, vane...@yahoo.fr, vanom...@who.int, vca...@unicef.org, vel...@yahoo.fr, vf...@yahoo.com, Vicente Teran (UNICEF), vicki.c...@gmail.com, Victoria Rames, Vincent Briard, visions...@yahoo.fr, vpe...@unicef.org, vte...@unicef.org, War Child Canada, Ward, Leora, WASH (UNICEF) 1, WASH 3, wbl...@hotmail.com, Weuts Jan, why...@yahoo.fr, Wilma Doedens, wingsof...@aol.com, wwwj...@yahoo.fr

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Ketty Dubique <kdub...@unicef.org>
Date: Mon, Nov 29, 2010 at 12:06 PM
Subject: Fw: CCCM meeting minutes and key documents on cholera response
To: hait...@gmail.com

----- Forwarded by Ketty Dubique/HTI/TACR/UNICEF on 11/29/2010 12:02 PM -----








11/29/2010 12:01 PM


Fw: CCCM meeting minutes and key documents on cholera response

merci de partager avec les partenaires du SCPE
Jorge Vallès
Coordinator, Haiti Child Protection Sub Cluster
UNICEF Port-au-Prince
Tel : (509) 37028961
E-mail: jva...@unicef.org
Web: www.unicef.org

----- Forwarded by Jorge Valles/HTI/TACR/UNICEF on 11/29/2010 11:49 AM -----


"CCCM Haiti" <cccm...@iom.int>



11/25/2010 12:54 PM


CCCM meeting minutes and key documents on cholera response

Dear CCCM Cluster Members,

As agreed during the last CCCM Cluster meeting, please find attached the following documents:

Meeting minutes (23/11/2010)
MSPP Cholera Response Strategy
CCCM Guidelines on Cash for Work
List of prioritized sites for cholera related activities
List of camps prioritized for security measures

Also, please see below important telephone numbers to be contacted in case of urgent cases in need of transportation and deaths in camps.
    For urgent cases that do not have transport, partners should call 34827636 / 38515331.
    If deaths occur in camps, partners should call 38799177.

Thank you all and best regards,

Antanas Jurkšaitis

CCCM Cluster Team

================= The information contained in this electronic message and any attachments are intended for specific individuals or entities, and may be confidential, proprietary or privileged. If you are not the intended recipient, please notify the sender immediately, delete this message and do not disclose, distribute or copy it to any third party or otherwise use this message. The content of this message does not necessarily reflect the official position of the International Organization for Migration (IOM) unless specifically stated. Electronic messages are not secure or error free and may contain viruses or may be delayed, and the sender is not liable for any of these occurrences.(See attached file: 23-11-2010 CCCM Cluster Meeting.pdf)(See attached file: MSPP cholera response communtity strategy.pdf)(See attached file: CCCM Cash for Work Guidelines (11.10).pdf)(See attached file: Prioritized IDP sites for cholera related activities.xlsx)(See attached file: List of camps prioritized for security measures.xls)

Child Protection Sub-Cluster
email: jva...@unicef.org  (coordinator)

23-11-2010 CCCM Cluster Meeting.pdf
MSPP cholera response communtity strategy.pdf
CCCM Cash for Work Guidelines (11.10).pdf
Prioritized IDP sites for cholera related activities.xlsx
List of camps prioritized for security measures.xls
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