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Joel Lorquet

Apr 30, 2024, 9:30:00 PM4/30/24


LA REPUBLIQUE DOMINICAINE : Ce pays, a-t-il opté pour le dialogue, le progrès et la modernité

ou l'anarchie, le sous-développement et l’avilissement ?



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CNN interview with Haitian gang member Vitel'Homme                                                                                                                  

(DL; ACENTO; Tuesday, April 30, 2024)   

Haitian gang member Vitel'Homme said that they will not lay down their weapons without a State that negotiates with them.

"Our dream is to get rid of the oligarchs who prevent the country from progressing," he said.



Alleged Haitian gang member tried to enter the DR through Dajabón                                                                                                                  

(El Caribe; Tuesday, April 30, 2024)   

Members of the intelligence, state security and immigration services detained an alleged member of a dangerous gang from Haiti, as he attempted to enter the Dominican Republic through the border bridge in Dajabón.



Preventive detention for soldier accused of raping Haitian girl                                                                                                                  

(DL; Tuesday, April 30, 2024)   

On Friday, the Court imposed three months of preventive detention on the agent of the General Directorate of Migration (DGM) accused of raping a 14-year-old Haitian teenager.



Presidential candidate on Haitian migrants                                                                                                                  

(DL; Tuesday, April 30, 2024)   

The presidential candidate of the Generación de Servidores party (GENS), Carlos Peña said: "At the time of our installation as president we will tell all illegals in the Dominican Republic that they have 30 days to leave our territory voluntarily, at the end of these 30 days "We will carry out the largest deportations that have ever been carried out on the entire American continent."



Related news:

·         Carlos Peña on LGBTQ+ people                                                                                             

(DL; Tuesday, April 26, 2024)

presidential candidate of the Generación de Servidores party (GENS), Carlos Peña, stated: “We are going to erase from all laws, all regulations, decrees, resolutions, everything that concerns gender ideology and the creation of a family different from the one we traditionally know."



Overseas candidates promise greater representation to the diaspora                                                                                                                  

(CDN; Tuesday, April 30, 2024)   

Dominicans residing abroad constitute the second great electoral majority in terms of territory with more than 800 thousand voters. They will vote, in addition to the President of the Republic, for seven overseas deputies.



Increases the interest of doctors in taking out civil liability insurance                                                                                                                  

(LD; Tuesday, April 30, 2024)   

After the recent cases of lawsuits and judicial convictions against doctors and hospitals for malpractice became public, the interest of the medical community in contracting civil liability insurance has increased.

Severo Mercedes, doctor-lawyer, assures that in the country the doctor had not thought much about having these services, but that now “a horizontal relationship is taking place, due to the right of autonomy of the patient, who must receive information from the doctor not not only the benefit of the procedure, but also the risk.”



Related news:

·         Hospital detention of patients due to non-payment, an illegal but common practice in the country                                                                                             

(DL; Tuesday, April 26, 2024)

In the DR, some hospitals use this mechanism as a guarantee for the patient to pay off their debt.

"The doctors are excellent and have all the equipment, but the treatment is not a human service, there was no empathy," said Sonia Fernández, an affected patient interviewed by Diario Libre.



Commentary on China                                                                                                                  

(LD; Tuesday, April 30, 2024)   

Juan Ariel Jiménez, former DR Minister of Economy, comments: "Although China remains a sizeable economy and a key global player, its post-COVID economic dynamism faces significant challenges. The combination of internal and external factors has created an uncertain economic environment that requires substantial adaptations of the economic model.”



Commentary on US-China relations                                                                                                                  

(HOY; Tuesday, April 30, 2024)   

Economist Eduardo Klinger comments: “A good part of the American political class does not know or understand China and they do nothing to know and understand it. China is more than a country; It is a millennia-old historical civilization.”



Clash between soldiers and civilians in Dajabón leaves one injured                                                                                                                  

(EL Día; LD; Tuesday, April 30, 2024)   

A civilian injured by gunshot was the result of an incident between Army soldiers and Dominican civilians in Dajabon.

According to witnesses, the incident began when some soldiers in a truck knocked down the motorcycles of a group of people who were drinking alcoholic beverages in the street.



Dominican prisons have almost 10,000 inmates more than their capacity                                                                                                                   

(DL; Tuesday, April 30, 2024)   

According to the authorities of the Dominican prison system, until January of this year, the prison population was 26,396.

Reports from the National Public Defense Office of the Dominican Republic reveal that the capacity of the 49 prisons in the country is to house only 16,564 prisoners; and that overcrowding in some prisons reaches up to 500%.



In four months, authorities seize 3.2 million grams of illicit substances                                                                                                                   

(EL Caribe; CDN; Tuesday, April 30, 2024)   

The Minister of the Presidency, Joel Santos, said that in the first four months of the year, the authorities have seized 3.2 million grams of illicit substances, bringing the total, since 2020 to date, to 25.7 million grams seized.

He also said that that currently the homicide rate stands at 10.11 per 100 thousand inhabitants.



Border markets remain open                                                                                                                  

(DL; Tuesday, April 30, 2024)   

Despite the critical situation in Haiti, border markets remain open and operating during their regular hours.

Diario Libre publishes a story that gives an account of the reality that exists in the border markets. The article reads: "Dominicans and Haitians come together to exchange and negotiate."



Two American children die in house fire in Villa Mella                                                                                                                 

(DL; TelemicroCDN; Tuesday, April 30, 2024)   

The two children who died in a fire that broke out in a home in the Villa Mella sector, Santo Domingo Norte municipality, on Friday night were Americans and were visiting the country.

A man also died in the fire. The Police, Firefighters and the Public Ministry are investigating the causes of the incident.



U.S. Coast Guard repatriates 119 migrants to Dominican Republic                                                                                                                  

(HOY; El Día; Tuesday, April 30, 2024)   

The crew of the Coast Guard Cutter Joseph Doyle repatriated 119 migrants to Dominican Republic, Friday, following two interdictions of unlawful, irregular migration attempts near Puerto Rico.



U.S. airlines flying to the DR experiencing more delays and cancellations                                                                                                                  

(DL; Tuesday, April 30, 2024)   

The U.S. airlines that have recorded the most flight delays and cancellations in the last year are: Frontier Airlines, JetBlue, Spirit Airlines, American Airlines, United Airlines, Delta Air Lines.

A new rule, issued last week by the U.S. Department of Transportation, will force airlines to apply automatic refunds to passengers in the event of cancellations or significant changes.



American Delegation visits the Naval Base to strengthen bilateral ties                                                                                                                   

(n.com.do; Tuesday, April 30, 2024)   

Sergeant Major Troy E. Black, Senior Advisor to the Secretary of Defense of the United States, and Sergeant Major Rafael Rodríguez, Advisor to the US Southern Command, met with the Commanding General of the Dominican Republic Navy, Vice Admiral Agustín Morillo Rodríguez, at the Naval Base of the Marine Corps.

The American delegation was represented by Lieutenant Colonel Lower Krusinger, US Marine Corps, Lieutenant Colonel Abdiel Rosado, US Army, head of the Office of Cooperation and Security of the American Embassy (OSC), and Sergeant Major of the Puerto Rico National Guard, Reynaldo Soto, representing Puerto Rican non-commissioned officers and enlisted men.



DEA and U.S. Marshals Service congratulate the DR for its efforts to fight organized crime and drug trafficking                                                                                                                  

(El Día; LD; Tuesday, April 30, 2024)   

The Administrator of the Drug Enforcement Administration, DEA, Anne Wilgram, and the director of the U.S. Marshals, Ronald E. Davis, congratulated the Dominican Government for its operations in the pursuit of drug trafficking and organized crime.

During a visit to the DEA headquarters, the Dominican Government was recognized for climbing from position 10 to number 3 in the capture of fugitives fleeing American justice.



DR Attorney General on Intellectual Property Watch List                                                                                                                   

(ACENTO; Tuesday, April 30, 2024)   

The DR Attorney General, Miriam Germán Brito, said that the U.S. Trade Representative removed the Dominican Republic from its watch list of countries with poor track records on intellectual property protection due to significant progress in resolving concerns about Intellectual Property enforcement and transparency.

“Dominican Republic agencies increased law enforcement actions and interagency cooperation to combat piracy,” she said.



Related news:

·         AIRD on Intellectual Property watch list                                                                                             

(ACENTO; HOY; Tuesday, April 26, 2024)

The Association of Industries of the Dominican Republic said in a statement that the removal of the DR from the Intellectual Property watch list is a sign of growing legal security.



·         Minister of Industry and Commerce on Intellectual Property watch list                                                                                             

(DL; Tuesday, April 26, 2024)

The Minister of Industry, Commerce and MSMEs (MICM), Víctor –Ito– Bisonó, said: "It is very important because that sends a very powerful signal that here (Dominican Republic) there is a legal guarantee and that the investment can be safe, that they will be taken care of, and that there is a regime of respect for the laws."



ACD-Media Survey: 61.4% will vote for Abinader                                                                                                                  

(ACENTO; Tuesday, April 30, 2024)   

The ACD-Media Group poll published on the night of Sunday, April 28, highlights that: Luis Abinader would win re-election with 61.4%, easily surpassing Leonel Fernández (22.1%) and Abel Martínez (10.8%).



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