LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Trump, like Gorbachev, has lost faith in what his country stands for

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Serge Pierre-Pierre

Jan 17, 2019, 8:44:15 AM1/17/19
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Trump, like GorbACHEV,  has lost faith in what his country stands for

Matt Bai 3 hours ago
President Trump and former  Soviet  President Mikhail Gorbachev (Yahoo News photo illustration; photos: AP, Getty Images)
I thought a lot about John McCain this week. About how McCain, his grave still fresh, would have reacted to the revelation that President Trump has gone to extraordinary lengths to keep the notes of his conversations with Vladimir Putin shielded from history, or even his own aides.
I wondered what McCain would have said after his closest friend in the Senate, Lindsey Graham, having already kowtowed to Trump on the planned withdrawal of troops from Syria, attacked the FBI agents whose duty had led them to investigate the president for espionage.
I don’t know if McCain would be talking openly about impeachment right now. But I can promise you his head would be exploding, and I’m pretty sure he’d be looking around for another candidate to back in 2020.
Because McCain was the last of Washington’s towering cold warriors, forged in a world dangerously divided between East and West. And he would have understood intuitively that, for the Russians, Trump isn’t merely a strategic asset (witting or unwitting), nor is he just some hapless dupe to exploit.
No, for Putin and his nostalgic nationalists, Trump represents a cosmic payback 30 years in the making. From their perspective, he must seem like the American Gorbachev, dismantling the empire all at once and without firing a shot.
Here in the United States, a generation removed from all that Dr. Strangelove stuff, we seem to have trouble remembering much about the Cold War these days, except to make some throwback movies about it.
Maybe that’s because we have no great battlefields to commemorate (aside from the entire Vietnam War), or because we’ve all moved on to radical Muslims, or because we just don’t take a very long view of anything.
In a Washington Post op-ed last week, a writer named Namrata Goswami, making an otherwise cogent case for us to pay attention to China’s space program, dismissed the U.S.-Soviet space race as being principally about “global prestige and simply ticking off boxes.” Which is kind of like saying the American Revolution was mostly about tea.
In fact, technological superiority during the Cold War — the ability to control every conceivable frontier — seemed essential to resisting global tyranny, even if the goal lay just out of reach. It’s easy enough to dismiss that as propaganda now, but for decades leading up to the Reagan era, there was very little partisan disagreement about it.
But then the crushing costs of militarizing the world began to set in, as the great cities in both countries crumbled. And it was Mikhail Gorbachev who stood down first, accepting the economic ruin of Communist doctrine and yielding to democratic movements throughout the Soviet sphere.
To us, naturally, Gorbachev was a peacemaker and a visionary — someone who understood the futility of the cause he had inherited, and who courageously, if cautiously, embraced American ideals of freedom and capitalism. I think of him this way still.
To hardened Communists and Russian expansionists like Putin, however, you can imagine he seemed like something else — namely, a capitulator who sold out the cause of Russian greatness for a Nobel Prize.
It has fallen to Putin, in power now for 20 years, to painstakingly reassemble an absolutist regime and a militarized bloc that creeps ever westward. His dream is to reverse the imbalance of global power he was handed and restore a far-reaching Russian hegemony.
And his patience has been richly rewarded in the ascendancy of President Trump.
I’ve said before that I don’t think Trump is some kind of Russian agent or formal collaborator (although, I will say, I am starting to wonder if I’ve been naive on that point). I don’t think he’s got some secret plan to build a bunch of casinos in Moscow in exchange for, say, Alaska.
Rather, like a reverse image of Gorbachev, Trump is a political leader who has lost faith in the efficacy of his country’s governing philosophy.
He believes our bedrock commitment to liberty, here and around the world, has left us weak and overextended. That we are too in thrall to a pluralistic ideal, too entangled in global alliances and far-off conflicts, too obsessed with free trade and open borders.
Trump recently praised the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in 1979, which is tantamount, really, to renouncing the entire basis of the 45-year Cold War. You can’t believe America was right to check Soviet expansionism and also believe the incursion into Afghanistan was just fine; Jimmy Carter got that.
Gorbachev allowed the most egregious symbol of Soviet domination, the wall dividing Berlin, to be toppled on his watch. Trump has spoken fondly of the Berlin Wall and held it up as a model for the one — still unrealized — on which he has staked his presidency at this point.
Gorbachev tried to delegitimize despotism. Trump — who exalts the Saudi crown prince and favorably compares the Chinese ruler with Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer — envies the simplicity of dictatorship. He gives every appearance of admiring Soviet-style absolutism as much as Gorbachev idealized American democracy.
And just as Gorbachev’s liberalization fed the energy of pro-liberty movements all over the world, so too does Trump purposefully fuel the passion of nationalist uprisings in England, France and Germany. He sympathizes with any movement that puts ethnic identity above the building of a civil, tolerant society.
All of this fits nicely into Putin’s vision for a world where Western alliances unravel, enabling Russia to do its level worst. Maybe his mastery of Trump stems from something sinister, a bit of information in some old KGB file or a business arrangement shrouded in secrecy. No doubt the special counsel has poked around for something like that.
More likely, though, Putin recognizes Trump’s weakness for what it is — a secular crisis of faith, much like the one that brought his country to its knees in the 1980s. Trump doesn’t think our defense of democratic values really works for America anymore, and in this he has more in common with Putin than he does with his own Cabinet or his military.
That’s probably what the interpreter’s notes from the Trump-Putin meetings would tell us, if Trump hadn’t snatched them up and stuffed them into his underwear, or wherever he’s hiding them now.
Trump can’t capitulate entirely by himself, however. It’s up to his allies in Congress to decide whether they’re OK with handing victory after victory to Putin’s neo-Soviets, to act as if America’s guiding purpose were to stay in our lane.
I know where McCain would be on that. But the old warrior is buried in our memory now, and so, it seems, is the long war we fought.
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Yahoo Lifestyle

Man gets banned from Royal Caribbean Cruises after jumping off ship for viral fame

Yahoo Lifestyle Kerry Justich,Yahoo Lifestyle 16 hours ago
A man jumped from the 11th floor of a cruise ship, and survived. (Photo: Instagram)
A group of men aboard a Royal Caribbean Cruise ship got banned from the cruise line for life, after one of them jumped from the 11th floor of the ship while it was docked in the Bahamas.
Nick Naydev, 27, of Vancouver, Wash., took to his Instagram on Friday to post a video of himself jumping off of his room’s balcony from the Symphony of the Seas ship into the ocean. The video, which was recorded by his friend Konstantin Kryachun, captures the men standing on the balcony and laughing as Naydev gets ready to take the leap. In midair, Naydev begins to flail his limbs before he ultimately hits the water.

Naydev didn’t immediately respond to Yahoo Lifestyle’s request for comment. However, he began to answer people’s questions about the jump within his Instagram post’s comment section, saying that he must have been about 110 to 120 feet above the water.
“My feet were actually fine. It was my neck and tailbone that hurt,” he wrote. “Could barely walk for 3 days and could barely sleep from the pain. I’m good now.”
Although Naydev’s post doesn’t capture anything that happened after the fall, a comment clarifies that he was picked up by a small boat and brought onto the ship by cops to gather his things and leave. In the meantime, Kryachun took to his own Instagram to document the interrogation he and his other three friends faced before the ship’s authorities kicked them off the boat as well.
In the videos, Kryachun expresses his disappointment with the cruise line. He tells Yahoo Lifestyle that he and his friends didn’t even consider the consequences prior to the jump, they just captured it in a bid for viral fame.
“He’s jumped from those kind of heights before, and we didn’t really care about the consequences with the cruise company,” he explains. “We just wanted to get a video of it and make it go viral.”
Now, the men might have a viral hit on their hands, and some people are calling Naydev a legend. However, there are plenty of others expressing the implications of the situation and explaining just how dangerous his exploit was.
“Dumbest thing I’ve ever seen,” someone commented, while another asked, “Did you understand before you jumped that you could easily die doing that?”
“Just so you know, if you were dead, the same people calling you legend would be laughing at you and calling you stupid,” an additional comment read. “You did something stupid and are lucky to be alive to laugh at it, you’re not a legend.”
Representatives from Royal Caribbean Cruises have also called the incident “stupid.”
“This was stupid and reckless behavior, and he and his companions have been banned from ever sailing with us again,” a spokesperson tells Yahoo Lifestyle. “We are exploring legal action.”
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Reindeer games: The latest ‘Masked Singer’ mystery singer is a Super Bowl champion quarterback

Lyndsey Parker 9 hours ago
Joel McHale was a guest judge this week on Fox’s bonkers new celebrity singing competition, The Masked Singer, alongside regular judge Ken Jeong — which resulted in a fun Community mini-reunion. (Oh, if only Donald Glover had shown up!) Community was absurdist comedy at its finest, of course, and McHale also spent years back-announcing kooky clips on The Soup. But at the top of Wednesday’s latest Masked Singer episode, even seen-it-all television veteran McHale announced, “I feel like I’m already on drugs!”
I certainly felt like I was on drugs by the episode’s end. This show is weird, you guys. And it is also addictive.
The Masked Singer — on which cosplaying mystery celebs perform karaoke for regular judges Jeong, Jenny McCarthy, Nicole Scherzinger and Robin Thicke, plus exiled America’s Got Talent host Nick Cannon — basically resembles an hourlong version of Eurotrash band’s Alacazar’s “Crying at the Discotheque” music video. And it has become such an unlikely ratings smash that Jeong is shocked. At the end of each episode, one contestant is unmasked, and the internet breaks.
The show’s first episode had us indulging in the new national pastime of figuring out the famous faces behind the facades of the Peacock, Monster, Unicorn, Deer and Lion, and this week, those characters were back at it. This week also marked the second unmasking of an NFL star, the first being Antonio Brown’s big reveal as the Hippo on the season premiere. On Wednesday, the Deer sank his teeth and antlers into Florida Georgia Line’s “Get Your Shine On,” and when he removed his mask, he was — as I’d guessed correctly — Super Bowl champion quarterback Terry Bradshaw.
This one was a fairly cinchy guess. The Deer had dropped clues about the “wild West” (Bradshaw has sung country and western music semiprofessionally before), a love of horses (Bradshaw breeds Quarter Horses), doing tons of commercials, winning multiple titles and “making a donkey of himself” (Bradshaw has a pet donkey!) — so it all led to the perfect Masked Singer touchdown.
Let’s look at this week’s four other returning mystery singers!
The Lion, “Feeling Good”
Clues: Along with Episode 1’s clues about the Lion coming from a “pride of women” and “Hollywood royalty,” this week she was seen reading a newspaper proclaiming, “Gold Found in Hailey, Idaho!” She also told the judges, “I have no gold or platinum hanging on my walls” when Jenny McCarthy asked if she had any hit records to her credit, so that rules out people like Lady Gaga, Christina Aguilera or Ariana Grande — even though the Lion’s roar on Nina Simone’s brash classic was nearly at a Gaga/Xtina/Grande level.
Judges’ guesses: Hailey Baldwin, Kelly Rowland, Emily Blunt. The judges are dumb.
My guess: I admit my previous prediction, Aubrey O’Day, was a shot in the dark and as dumb as any of the judges’ guesses. The hive-mind on Twitter has insisted ever since that the Lion is actually Rumer Willis, who has performed on another hit Fox musical series, Empire. Rumor has it that it’s Rumer! (See what I did there?) The Lion does sound like her, but this week’s key clue was the Hailey headline — Rumer’s famous Hollywood mom, Demi Moore, has a house in that small Idaho town. So Rumer is my final answer.
The Peacock, “Counting Stars”
Clues: The Peacock said being on the Masked Singer stage made him feel like he was “5 years old again,” that he “started out as a little teenybopper,” and he has gone through “different incarnations of his career.” None of that offered much beyond his previous clues. But he did confirm that he has performed in Las Vegas and has been cast in dramatic acting roles.
Judges’ guesses: Neil Patrick Harris, Criss Angel, David Copperfield, David Hasslehoff, Tom Jones.
My guesses: I previously guessed ex-teen idols Leif Garrett or Donny Osmond, both “dear friends” of Michael Jackson (a clue from Episode 1). And until this week, I was leaning toward Osmond, whose Vegas-style showmanship could easily be described as “peacockian.” But Garrett has acted in dramas (he was outstanding in The Outsiders), and his gruff OneRepublic cover didn’t sound much like Donny. It was more than a little rock ‘n’ roll! So, now my top guess is Leif, who did perform in a 2006 Vegas revue called “Original Idols Live!” with Barry Williams, the Bay City Rollers, the Cowsills, Tony DeFranco and Danny Bonaduce. (Damn. How did I miss that?) However, this could also be drama king/frequent feather-ruffler Corey Feldman. The Peacock performed on a 30-foot hydraulic lift in a mask (despite having a fear of heights), and that seems like the sort of stunt Corey would do. He has played Vegas too.
The Unicorn, “Oops! I Did It Again”
Clues: The horned ingenue said she lost her confidence after she “lost her sheen,” but this week she intended to overcome her “fear of singing,” “go for the gold,” “exude model behavior” and “emerge victorious.” The Unicorn also mentioned Beverly Hills and said she was a “gymnast in the bedroom.”
Judges’ guesses: Denise Richards, Gabby Douglas, Mary Lou Retton, Aly Raisman, McKayla Maroney. The judges were really fixated on those “gold” and “gymnast” clues, huh?
My guess: Last time, I guessed Tori Spelling. Every single clue lined up, so much so that I was ready to throw the Unicorn’s Masked Singer victory party at the Peach Pit After Dark. The “victorious” line might still be a pun on Tori’s name, and “Beverly Hills” may be a reference to 90210. But Richards is a good guess: She definitely “lost her Sheen,” is a former model and Real Housewives of Beverly Hills cast member, and was pretty gymnastic in that Wild Things threesome scene. And who could blame her for being afraid to sing in public after her terrible “Take Me Out to the Ballgame” performance went viral? The Unicorn’s tone-deaf Britney cover this week was pretty oops-worthy, so Richards is my new guess.
The Monster, “I Don’t Want to Be”
Clues: This bottle-poppin’ party dude from the South dropped some vague baseball references, but his song choice was the biggest clue of all.
Judges’ guesses: Jamie Foxx, Derek Jeter.
My guesses: During premiere week, I guessed this reclusive furry hip-hopper was 50 Cent nemesis/disgraced Fyre Festival promoter Ja Rule. But after heeding fans’ nearly unanimous guesses and listening to T-Pain’s excellent and totally AutoTune-free NPR Tiny Desk concert, I was convinced the Monster is T-Pain. And the real clincher was the Gavin DeGraw song that the Monster sang this week. T-Pain covered “I Don’t Want to Be” in the Yahoo studio years ago! Watch that version alongside the Monster’s version below.
Case closed. I’m going to buy T-Pain a drank when he wins this show.
Tune in next week, when the Raven, Bee, Alien, Poodle and Rabbit return to drop the mic and drop more clues.
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Atlanta mayor responds to criticism after saying 'anybody other than the Saints' for Super Bowl

Yahoo Sports Frank Schwab,Yahoo Sports 15 hours ago
There’s nothing wrong with a sports rivalry, as long as it doesn’t cross the line. And the New Orleans Saints and Atlanta Falcons have a great rivalry.
Atlanta mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms said about the possible participants in Super Bowl LIII, which will be held in Atlanta, that she wanted “anybody other than the Saints.” 
Well, yeah. Maybe there are some stray Saints fans living in Atlanta, but presumably everyone else in Atlanta agrees with the mayor. It was a little odd for a politician to say that before welcoming the world to her city for the Super Bowl, but it wasn’t wrong. In fact, fans in New Orleans probably respected it, in a way.
Nevertheless, she had to explain Wednesday that it was a joke, like most sane people didn’t know that already.
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Atlanta Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms had a message for Saints fans who might be coming to Super Bowl LIII, if New Orleans wins the NFC. (AP)

Atlanta mayor: ‘Anybody other than the Saints’

Here was Bottoms’ initial comment, made to Terrell Thomas of These Urban Times. And extra credit for the callback to the Saints’ “bountygate” scandal.
“Just anybody other than the Saints. I know there’s going to be a bounty on my head for saying that,” Bottoms said. “But, if it can’t be the Falcons, then hey, as long as it’s not the Saints then I am happy.”
And, proving that New Orleans understands where she was coming from, New Orleans City Councilman Jay Banks shot back and referenced the Falcons blowing a 28-3 lead to the Patriots in Super Bowl LI.
“I’m sorry she feels that way. We would welcome them here,” Banks told the New Orleans Advocate. “At the end of the day they shouldn’t be mad at us that they suck.
“It’s not our fault that they choked.”
If you can’t appreciate the back-and-forth, you likely aren’t a sports fan. But Bottoms, being a politician, had to clarify her comments.

Atlanta mayor welcomes all fans, even Saints fans

Bottoms joked at the start of a press conference that she needed “extra security because of these New Orleans fans that I seemed to have offended.”
“So before we get to the real stuff, let me explain: it was a joke,” she said, according to WWL. “But I don’t know of a Falcons fan who wants to see New Orleans and the Patriots in the Super Bowl.”
Bottoms then said she was thankful for everyone who would come to Atlanta for the Super Bowl. Even Saints fans.
The possibility of the Saints invading Atlanta for a Super Bowl, and even using the Falcons facilities for the week as NFC champs, is a fun twist to the old rivalry. Bottoms has nothing to explain; we all know who Atlanta will be rooting for in the Super Bowl if the Saints win on Sunday.
More Saints news from Yahoo
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Frank Schwab is a writer for Yahoo Sports. Have a tip? Email him at shutdow...@yahoo.com or follow him on Twitter!
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ABC News

Graham says Trump's statements have emboldened ISIS in Syria

ABC News MARIAM KHAN,ABC News 7 hours ago
Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham, a top ally of President Donald Trump, expressed concerns on Wednesday that Trump's comments about withdrawing troops from Syria have emboldened terrorist groups like ISIS, and that he hopes Trump thinks "long and hard" about his next moves when it comes to withdrawing troops from the war torn country.
"My concern by the statements made by President Trump is that you have set in motion enthusiasm by the enemy we are fighting," Graham said. "You make people we are trying to help wonder about us."
A bomb blast on Wednesday in the northern Syrian city of Manbij, which killed American service members, comes less than a month after Trump announced that U.S. troops would withdraw from the country.
Graham, who is the chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, interrupted a confirmation hearing for the nominee to be the next attorney general, William Barr, to make his sentiments known.
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Trump declared in a video released on Twitter last month: "We have won against ISIS. We've beaten them and we've beaten them badly. We've taken back the land and now it's time for our troops to come back home."
At the time, Graham called the decision an "Obama-like mistake" and blasted the president for the hastily announced withdrawal plan, and made clear it was a move he wholeheartedly opposed.
"Anytime a president does something that people on the ground are rattled by, it usually comes back to bite us," Graham told reporters Wednesday.
"When it got to be seen we’re going to withdrawing all of our forces, people went back to their corners and started hedging their bets," Graham said.
Graham noted that if ISIS is behind the attack, it "shows they’re not defeated and they’ve been emboldened."
Meanwhile, at least one Republican senator - Rand Paul of Kentucky - is commending the president. Paul said he met with Trump at the White House Wednesday to discuss Afghanistan and Syria.
"I have never been prouder of President Donald Trump. In today’s meeting, he stood up for a strong America and steadfastly opposed foreign wars. Putting America First means declaring victory in Afghanistan and Syria. President Trump is delivering on his promises!" Paul said in a statement released on Wednesday.
Vice President Mike Pence also issued a statement earlier in the day saying the U.S. has "crushed the ISIS caliphate" and devastated its capabilities.
"President Trump and I condemn the terrorist attack in Syria that claimed American lives and our hearts are with the loved ones of the fallen. We honor their memory and we will never forget their service and sacrifice," Pence said.
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"Thanks to the courage of our Armed Forces, we have crushed the ISIS caliphate and devastated its capabilities. As we begin to bring our troops home, the American people can be assured, for the sake of our soldiers, their families, and our nation, we will never allow the remnants of ISIS to reestablish their evil and murderous caliphate – not now, not ever," Pence added.
Democrats, while expressing their grief over the loss of American lives, ripped Trump for his lack of strategy in the region.
"I think this tragic occurrence on the battlefield reflects how the United States has no strategy no plan and no real path forward," Sen. Richard Blumenthal, D-CT, told reporters Wednesday.
"But the danger to our troops will only increase because of the haphazard and lack of strategy that we have in Syria. This rapid withdrawal without a plan a strategy puts our troops in danger," he said.
The Senate’s top Democrat, Chuck Schumer, also blasted the president.
"President Trump’s precipitous removal of our troops from Syria and his claim that ISIS has already been beaten we knew would not hold up. Today’s tragedy shows that’s just the case," Schumer told reporters.
Yahoo Sports

Turkish government seeking international warrant to arrest Knicks' Enes Kanter

Yahoo Sports Liz Roscher,Yahoo Sports 21 hours ago
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Enes Kanter is being targeted by the Turkish government, this time with an international arrest warrant and a possible extradition threat. (Getty Images)
Prosecutors in Turkey are seeking an international arrest warrant for New York Knicks star Enes Kanter, in connection to a 2016 coup that nearly removed Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdogan from power.
According to the Wall Street Journal, the Turkish prosecutors allege that Kanter is part of a terrorist organization headed by cleric Fethullah Gulen, and claim that the group incited the failed 2016 coup. Kanter has said that he’s a follower of Gulen, but both he and Gulen (who now lives in Pennsylvania) have denied any involvement in the coup. The Associated Press is reporting that in addition to an international arrest warrant, Turkish officials have also prepared an extradition request.
Kanter has remained outspoken and fearless in his criticism of Erdogan, which is why he believes he’s being targeted by the Turkish government. On Tuesday an op-ed he wrote was published in the Washington Post, titled “Anyone who speaks out against Erdogan is a target. That includes me.” He has continued to tweet and give interviews on the topic.

Kanter’s Turkish passport was seized in 2017, when he was nearly arrested and sent back to Turkey during a layover in Romania. Since then he has refrained from traveling outside of the United States over fears that he could be arrested. While the Knicks have traveled to London to play the Washington Wizards on Thursday, Kanter has stayed home. But he used the time to meet with lawmakers on Capitol Hill on Tuesday to discuss human rights issues in Turkey.

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