SpaceX - PRIMEIRO REUSO! Ao Vivo no GAROA HOJE! Re-Lançamento de um Falcon 9!

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Felipe Sanches

Mar 30, 2017, 8:36:08 AM3/30/17
to Garoa HC,, weekend_tinkers,, Hackerspace Campinas,,,

The Falcon 9 is being lifted to the vertical position at launch pad 39A.

  Mission preview

A Falcon 9 booster that flew into space last year is set to launch again Thursday from Florida’s Space Coast with an SES communications satellite, a historic mission that could make major strides in validating SpaceX’s audacious goal of recovering and reusing launchers, and an achievement the company says will revolutionize the rocket business.

Like all launches, the flight is risky, but SES officials and insurers are comfortable enough to put an operational satellite on-board.

Martin Halliwell, chief technology officer of Luxembourg-based SES, said this week that he believes the risk has been blunted by months of inspections, refurbishment and engineering reviews.

“We’ve been through this thing with a fine-toothed comb,” Halliwell said Tuesday. “SpaceX has been through this with a fine-toothed comb. This booster is a really good booster, and we’re confident in this one.”

Read our mission preview story.

2017-03-30 2:29 GMT-03:00 Felipe Sanches <>:

The Falcon 9 rocket has rolled out to launch pad 39A with the SES 10 satellite on-board, completing the trip to the pad surface just before midnight local time.

The next step will be to hoist the 229-foot-tall (70-meter) rocket vertical.

2017-03-30 0:39 GMT-03:00 Felipe Sanches <>:

2017-03-29 19:18 GMT-03:00 Felipe Sanches <>:

Launch preparations are still on track for liftoff Thursday after the Falcon 9 rocket returned to its hangar yesterday. The rocket has been mated with the SES 10 communications satellite with no issues, officials said.

Once the satellite and rocket completed a series of integrated tests today, the Falcon 9 will be rolled back out to pad 39A and lifted vertical some time this evening or overnight to kick off final testing and the software upload to the spacecraft.

2017-03-29 19:18 GMT-03:00 Felipe Sanches <>:

The weather forecast for tomorrow evening's launch window has improved, now predicting an 80 percent chance of acceptable conditions.

The launch window opens at 6:27 p.m. EDT (2227 GMT) and extends two-and-a-half hours. That enables SpaceX at least two opportunities to launch if a problem forces an abort late in the countdown, allowing sufficient time to recycle and reload super-chilled propellants, officials said.

The primary concerns Thursday will be the cumulus cloud and thick cloud weather rules, according to the official U.S. Air Force weather forecast released this morning.

The outlook calls for a few clouds at 3,000 feet and scattered clouds at 28,000 feet, southeast winds of 10 to 15 mph, and a temperature of 75 degrees Fahrenheit at launch time.

If the launch is delayed to Friday, the weather will worsen with showers, isolated thunderstorms and gusty winds in the forecast. The forecast for Friday predicts a 40 percent chance of good weather for a launch.

2017-03-27 18:22 GMT-03:00 Felipe Sanches <>:

Hotfire test completed ahead of milestone Falcon 9 launch Thursday

March 27, 2017 Stephen Clark

SpaceX tweeted this image of the Falcon 9 rocket conducting its static fire test at pad 39A on Monday afternoon. Credit: SpaceX

SpaceX has set the first launch of a “flight-proven” Falcon 9 rocket for Thursday evening after running the booster through a hold-down engine firing Monday at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida.

Nearly ready for its second trip into space, the Falcon 9’s first stage booster ignited at launch pad 39A at 2 p.m. EDT (1800 GMT) and throttled up to full power — roughly 1.7 million pounds of thrust — for a few seconds as clamps held the rocket on the ground.

The brief ignition of the rocket’s nine Merlin 1D main engines occurred after SpaceX’s launch team, overseeing a computer-controlled sequencer, prepped the launcher by filling with its supplies of super-chilled, densified RP-1 kerosene and liquid oxygen propellants.

SpaceX tweeted that the static fire test was completed successfully. Engineers will review data from the launch rehearsal before convening a launch readiness review later this week to formally clear the rocket for liftoff.

The launch window opens at 6 p.m. EDT (2200 GMT) Thursday and extends for two-and-a-half hours.

The static fire test was set for Sunday, followed by a launch attempt Wednesday, but preparations ran behind schedule over the weekend.

The launch is critical for SpaceX, which intends to re-fly its rockets many times in a cost-cutting measure meant to reduce launch prices and open more opportunities for space transportation and exploration.

The engine firing as seen from the Kennedy Space Center press site. Image: Bill Harwood/CBS News.

SpaceX founder and chief executive Elon Musk has a vision to send large transport ships to Mars with human passengers and cargo to eventually set up a self-sustaining civilization on the red planet. Those lofty ambitions require spaceflight to become less expensive, and reusability is a cornerstone to that objective.

While the company hopes to field future rockets that are rapidly reusable, SpaceX engineers spent around four months refurbishing the first stage booster set to launch this week. The core of the Falcon 9 first flew on April 8, 2016, with a Dragon supply ship on a cargo mission to the International Space Station, then landed with the assistance of rocket thrust on a mobile platform in the Atlantic Ocean.

The rocket was returned to Cape Canaveral, then trucked back to SpaceX’s headquarters in Hawthorne, California, for thorough inspections and refurbishment. The booster then traveled to SpaceX’s test site in McGregor, Texas, for hold-down firings and returned to the Florida launch a few weeks ago.

The rocket’s second stage, powered by a single Merlin 1D engine with a nozzle extension, and payload fairing were manufactured new for this week’s flight. SpaceX is working on retrieving and reusing the Falcon 9 fairing, which comes in two clamshell-like halves, while the second stage will remain single-use for the foreseeable future.

With the static fire completed Monday, ground crews will roll back the two-stage Falcon 9 rocket to its hangar at the southern perimeter of pad 39A, where the SES 10 communications satellite awaits attachment to the launcher.

The SES 10 spacecraft, tipping the scales at around 11,700 pounds (5,300 kilograms), is already encapsulated inside the Falcon 9’s nose fairing after being prepared for liftoff in a separate payload processing facility a few miles to the south of pad 39A.

SES, a Luxembourg-based international telecom satellite operator, announced its agreement with SpaceX in August 2016 to send the SES 10 satellite to orbit on a Falcon 9 rocket with a reused first stage.

While SpaceX and SES did not disclose terms of their contract for the SES 10 launch, SpaceX president and chief operating officer Gwynne Shotwell said last year the launch provider was offering a 10 percent discount for customers willing to fly their payloads on reused boosters.

That discount should become steeper on future flights, according to SpaceX officials. The company lists a regular commercial Falcon 9 flight at $62 million.

SES is designed to broadcast video and television services across Latin America. It was built by Airbus Defense and Space and assembled in Toulouse, France.

Shotwell said earlier this month that the company intends to fly up to six reused boosters this year. The maiden launch of SpaceX’s Falcon Heavy rocket, driven by three Falcon 9 rocket cores strapped together, is expected to utilize one or two previously-flown boosters, but SpaceX has not publicly identified other missions that will reuse rocket stages.

The weather outlook for Thursday evening’s launch window calls for a 70 percent chance of acceptable conditions.

The U.S. Air Force’s 45th Weather Squadron will watch for violations of the cumulus cloud and thick cloud layer rules during the countdown.

“On Wednesday, a weak surface boundary will drape across the Mid-Atlantic states and trail back into a developing storm system over Texas,” the Air Force weather team wrote in a forecast issued Monday. “On Thursday, the strengthening Texas storm system begins to track northeasterly into the Tennessee Valley. Although the system and its associated frontal boundary will not directly impact the spaceport until late Friday and Saturday, upper-level cloudiness and added instability ahead of the system is possible.”

The outlook calls for scattered clouds at 3,000 feet and broken clouds at 28,000 feet, southeast winds at 10 to 15 mph, and a launch time temperature of 80 degrees Fahrenheit.

If the launch is delayed to the backup day Friday, the weather is forecast to worsen with a 60 percent chance of favorable conditions.

SpaceX’s landing platform is on the way to the landing zone a few hundred miles east of Cape Canaveral to receive the Falcon 9 first stage, which will again attempt a landing at sea after completing its two-and-a-half minute firing to push SES 10 toward space.

A new robot is expected to debut after the booster touches down to remotely safe and secure the rocket on the deck of the barge, or drone ship, for the trip back to Port Canaveral.

2017-03-27 16:40 GMT-03:00 Felipe Sanches <>:
Agora é oficial. Lançamento re-agendado para 5a feira, 30/MAR/2017:

"Static fire test complete. Targeting Thursday, March 30 for Falcon 9 launch of SES-10."

2017-03-26 18:37 GMT-03:00 Felipe Sanches <>:

The Falcon 9 rocket's static fire test planned for today has been delayed until Monday, likely pushing back the launch until Thursday evening. SpaceX typically needs around three days to prepare for a launch after a static fire test, a series of steps that include the attachment of a satellite payload atop the rocket.

Launch preparations are running behind schedule, and the launch window Wednesday and Thursday opens around 4:59 p.m. EDT (2059 GMT).

The launch will send the SES 10 communications satellite into orbit aboard the first reused Falcon 9 rocket booster from launch pad 39A at NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida.

Em 24 de março de 2017 20:03, Felipe Sanches <> escreveu:

Em 22 de março de 2017 11:39, Felipe Sanches <> escreveu:
Nova data prevista: 4a feira, 29 de Março.

NET March 29
Falcon 9 • SES 10
Launch window: 2059-2329 GMT (4:59-7:29 p.m. EDT)
Launch site:
LC-39A, Kennedy Space Center, Florida
A SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket will launch the SES 10 communications satellite. Owned by SES of Luxembourg, the spacecraft will provide direct-to-home TV broadcasting and other telecommunication services for Mexico, the Caribbean, Central America and South America. It will also cover Brazil and support offshore oil and gas exploration.

Em 20 de março de 2017 23:35, Felipe Sanches <> escreveu:
O brasão oficial dessa missão tem um foguete acinzentado :-D

Em 20 de março de 2017 19:10, Felipe Sanches <> escreveu:

Possível mudança de data:

Notícia de hoje, 20/Março/2017:
"Friday's @nasa OA-7 launch on a @ulalaunch Atlas V got rescheduled to the 27th, which will likely move @spacex 's SES-10 back a few days"
fonte: twitter

Mais infos (e atualizações sobre data e horário, caso mudem) em:

Em 20 de março de 2017 11:52, Felipe Sanches <> escreveu:

2017/03/27: SpaceX • Falcon 9 • PRIMEIRO REUSO!

Esse será um momento histórico em que, pela primeira vez, um foguete orbital (Falcon 9, da SpaceX) será re-utilizado.
Ou seja, o foguete foi lançado, despachou uma carga
em órbita (uma cápsula de suprimentos para a Estação Espacial Internacional),
voltou para a Terra e pousou e vai agora voar uma segunda vez levando uma outra carga (um satélite de telecomunicação).

Sessão no Garoa
. O streaming costuma começar uns 20 minutos antes do lançamento. Farei uma apresentação sobre o tema um pouco antes do horário do lançamento. (A partir das 17h.) --Juca
Data: 27 de Março de 2017 (fiquem atentos, pois data e horário podem mudar!)
Foguete: SpaceX Falcon 9 Full-Thrust
Cliente: SES - Luxemburgo
Carga: Satélite de comunicações SES-10
Horário do lançamento: Janela de oportunidade aprovada entre 17h 58min e 21h 58min (horário de brasília)
Local do lançamento: LC-39A, Kennedy Space Center, Florida
Descrição do lançamento: A SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket will launch the SES 10 communications satellite. Owned by SES of Luxembourg, the spacecraft will provide direct-to-home TV broadcasting and other telecommunication services for Mexico, the Caribbean, Central America and South America. It will also cover Brazil and support offshore oil and gas exploration. Delayed from 3rd Quarter, October and February.
Streaming: Haverá transmissão oficial da SpaceX pelo Youtube, também acessível por meio do site  

Mais info (e atualizações sobre data e horário, caso mudem) em:

Happy Hacking,
Felipe "Juca" Sanches

Felipe Sanches

Mar 30, 2017, 8:43:23 AM3/30/17
to Garoa HC,, weekend_tinkers,, Hackerspace Campinas,,,

The Falcon 9 rocket is again standing vertical at pad 39A after being raised upright around 4 a.m. EDT (0800 GMT) this morning.

Next up will be a series of checkouts and software uploads on the SES 10 communications satellite, followed by the start of Falcon 9 countdown procedures this afternoon.

Final launch preps this afternoon will include the evacuation of the launch pad prior to fueling, activation of the Falcon 9's computer and navigation system, and a prelaunch poll by the SpaceX launch conductor at 5:09 p.m. EDT (2109 GMT) to verify all consoles are "go" for the terminal countdown.

Super-chilled RP-1 kerosene fuel will be loaded first into the two-stage booster, beginning around 5:17 p.m. EDT (2117 GMT). Liquid oxygen, chilled and densified near its freezing point, will follow starting at around 5:42 p.m. EDT (2142 GMT).

The computer-controlled countdown will prep the rocket’s nine Merlin 1D main engines for ignition, transition the Falcon 9 to internal battery power, and pressurize the booster’s propellant tanks in the last 10 minutes of the countdown.

The launch window opens at 6:27 p.m. EDT (2227 GMT) and runs until 8:57 p.m. EDT (0057 GMT). That is long enough to permit a recycle and a second launch attempt should the first try be aborted in the final minutes or seconds.

Felipe Sanches

Mar 30, 2017, 11:36:36 AM3/30/17
to Garoa HC,, weekend_tinkers,, Hackerspace Campinas,,,

  SES 10 launch preps on track

Sources say satellite checkouts are going ahead of schedule this morning after the Falcon 9 rocket went vertical at pad 39A. Airbus Defense and Space, SES 10's manufacturer, expected to need about 13 hours to test and prep the spacecaft once the rocket was vertical at the pad.

Liftoff remains scheduled for 6:27 p.m. EDT (2227 GMT), the opening of this evening's launch window.

Felipe Sanches

Mar 30, 2017, 12:24:02 PM3/30/17
to Garoa HC,, weekend_tinkers,, Hackerspace Campinas,,,

  Photo gallery

Walter Scriptunas II of Scriptunas Images took these photos of the Falcon 9 rocket vertical at pad 39A this morning. Check out the full-resolution versions to see the reused booster's tail number -- No. 21 -- visible between its four landing legs.

Felipe Sanches

Mar 30, 2017, 4:28:22 PM3/30/17
to Garoa HC,, weekend_tinkers,, Hackerspace Campinas,,,

There continues to be an 80 percent chance of favorable weather during this evening's launch window, according to the official forecast released today by the U.S. Air Force's 45th Weather Squadron.

The primary weather threat will be thick clouds.

A front will pass through Central Florida on Friday, bringing gusty winds and rain showers to the area. Conditions will again improve for the backup launch opportunity Saturday, which also has an 80 percent chance of good weather.

Felipe Sanches

Mar 30, 2017, 4:33:16 PM3/30/17
to Garoa HC,, weekend_tinkers,, Hackerspace Campinas,,,

Good afternoon from the Kennedy Space Center in Florida, where a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket is two hours away from liftoff with the SES 10 communications satellite.

There have been no problems reported in preparations today, and sources reported earlier that checkouts of the SES 10 satellite were proceeding ahead of schedule.

The SpaceX launch conductor is due to conduct a poll of his team at T-minus 78 minutes to verify their readiness to begin tanking the rocket with RP-1 kerosene and liquid oxygen propellants.

Felipe Sanches

Mar 30, 2017, 5:35:27 PM3/30/17
to Garoa HC,, weekend_tinkers,, Hackerspace Campinas,,,

T-minus 60 minutes and counting.

T-minus 70 minutes. The launch autosequence has started, kicking off the first steps to begin pumping propellants into the 229-foot-tall Falcon 9 at launch pad 39A.

RP-1 kerosene will be pumped into the two-stage Falcon 9 rocket first, followed by liquid oxygen chilled to near minus 340 degrees Fahrenheit (minus 206 degrees Celsius) at T-minus 45 minutes.

The SpaceX launch conductor just gave the go to start propellant loading on-time.

The propellant load poll is expected in one minute.

Checkouts of the Falcon 9's flight termination system are reported complete.

There are several changes to the Falcon 9 countdown that were first introduced Jan. 14 on a launch from California, the first SpaceX mission after a rocket exploded on a launch pad at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in September.

Engineers changed the filling sequence to avoid the problem of liquid oxygen becoming trapped in voids between helium pressurant tanks and their composite overwraps, which SpaceX says most likely caused the explosion last year.

When it debuted a more capable Falcon 9 configuration burning super-chilled densified propellants in 2015, SpaceX shortened its launch countdowns to begin pumping fuel and oxidizer into the rocket just 35 minutes before blastoff. SpaceX’s previous Falcon 9 countdowns followed a practice employed universally on cryogenically-fueled rockets worldwide, in which propellants are loaded aboard several hours ahead of launch.

The “load and go” countdowns caused headaches at first, leading to several aborts and delays before SpaceX gained experience with the practice early last year. The late fueling plan has also drawn questions from NASA safety advisors, who worry the procedure will endanger astronauts strapped into to SpaceX’s Crew Dragon spaceships, which the company is developing to ferry people to and from the space station.

The timeline for today’s countdown calls for RP-1 kerosene, chilled to around 20 degrees Fahrenheit (minus 6 degrees Celsius), to begin flowing into the two-stage rocket at T-minus 70 minutes. Liquid oxygen loading will follow at T-minus 45 minutes.

A poll of the SpaceX launch team is expected at T-minus 78 minutes to give a "go" for fueling operations.

The danger area around the Falcon 9's launch pad is reported clear for the start of propellant loading operations.

  Flight timeline

SpaceX’s Falcon 9 rocket is set for liftoff from Cape Canaveral tonight, heading due east over the Atlantic Ocean to deliver the SES 10 communications satellite into orbit 32 minutes later.

See a timeline of the launch sequence.

Felipe Sanches

Mar 30, 2017, 5:42:43 PM3/30/17
to Garoa HC,, weekend_tinkers,, Hackerspace Campinas,,,

Super-chilled, densified liquid oxygen is now flowing into the two-stage Falcon 9 rocket.

Both stages of the launcher burn the same RP-1/liquid oxygen propellant mixture.

Felipe Sanches

Mar 30, 2017, 6:10:07 PM3/30/17
to Garoa HC,, weekend_tinkers,, Hackerspace Campinas,,,

Felipe Sanches

Apr 4, 2017, 11:24:48 PM4/4/17
to Garoa HC,, weekend_tinkers,, Hackerspace Campinas,,,
Voou de novo.
E pousou de novo. :-)

Segue o vídeo do pouso:

Felipe Sanches

Apr 5, 2017, 11:45:52 AM4/5/17
to Garoa HC,, weekend_tinkers,, Hackerspace Campinas,,,

Musk previews busy year ahead for SpaceX

April 4, 2017 Stephen Clark

Elon Musk speaks with reporters after Thursday’s launch of SES 10. Credit: Walter Scriptunas II / Spaceflight Now

There’s a lot on SpaceX’s agenda this year if the company can maintain its pace, including refinements of the Falcon 9 rocket to hasten refurbishment between flights and the debut of the long-delayed Falcon Heavy launch vehicle with two side boosters recycled from previous missions, according to company founder Elon Musk.

The Falcon Heavy’s maiden flight is expected in late summer, Musk said Thursday after the launch of SpaceX’s first reused Falcon 9 rocket booster. It will be a “high-risk” mission, he said, and SpaceX plans to launch it on a pure demonstration flight.

Musk unveiled plans for the Falcon Heavy rocket in April 2011 in a press conference at the National Press Club in Washington. SpaceX said then that the triple-body rocket, powered by three rocket stages derived from the Falcon 9, would fly beginning in 2013.

SpaceX starting signing customers for Falcon Heavy missions in 2012, and the development delays forced at least two clients — Inmarsat and ViaSat — to switch their satellites to the rival Ariane 5 rocket, while retaining bookings for future launches.

“Falcon Heavy is one of those things that. at first, sounded easy,” Musk said Thursday. “We’ll just take two first stages and use them as strap-on boosters. Actually, no, this is crazy hard, and it required the redesign of the center core and a ton of different hardware.

“It was actually shockingly difficult to go from a single-core to a triple-core vehicle,” Musk said.

SpaceX says the Falcon Heavy is a secondary priority behind maintaining the launch tempo for the smaller Falcon 9. Officials blamed some of the Falcon Heavy delays on Falcon 9 failures in June 2015 and September 2016 that grounded the SpaceX rocket fleet several months each time.

Musk said SpaceX has around 20 more missions on its manifest this year, and only two will likely be with the Falcon Heavy, assuming it debuts by late summer.

Musk said major testing of the Falcon Heavy is complete, and engineers are now finishing fabrication of flight hardware.

“I think they finish in about two or three months,” he said.

The inaugural Falcon Heavy will lift off from launch pad 39A at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida, a facility first built for the Apollo program’s Saturn 5 moon rocket, then modified for space shuttle missions. SpaceX leased the pad from NASA in 2014, and rushed its upgrades to completion after a Falcon 9 rocket exploded on nearby pad 40 in September, leaving that launch complex with significant damage.

SpaceX will need several months to repair pad 40, then the company will relocate Falcon 9 launch operations there to fully outfit pad 39A for the Falcon Heavy. Managers also want to have pad 40 available in case a Falcon Heavy damages pad 39A, Musk said.

Artist’s illustration of a Falcon Heavy rocket on the launch pad. Credit: SpaceX

“Falcon Heavy, I really want to emphasize, that’s a high-risk flight — 27 engines are lighting simultaneously,” Musk said. “That’s a lot of engines.

“Technically, it should have been called the Falcon 27,” he joked. “Maybe that sounded too scary, so we called it the Falcon Heavy.”

SpaceX has not disclosed the orbital destination targeted on the first Falcon Heavy mission, but Musk said the company will likely fly “the silliest thing we can imagine” on the maiden flight.

SpaceX placed a wheel of cheese inside the Dragon spacecraft on its first orbital flight in an ode to the Monty Python comedy group.

“That will be exciting mission, one way or another,” Musk said. “Hopefully in a good direction.”

The two reused side boosters will detach from the central core a few minutes into the flight and return to Cape Canaveral for landing. The core booster will continue downrange and land on SpaceX’s ocean-going platform in the Atlantic.

“The two side boosters will come back and do sort of a synchronized aerial ballet and land,” Musk said. “Two of the side boosters will land back the Cape. That’ll be pretty exciting to see two come in simultaneously, and the center core will land downrange on the drone ship.”

File photo of four of SpaceX’s recovered Falcon 9 rocket boosters inside a hangar at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center last year. Credit: SpaceX

SpaceX may try to recover the second stage on the first Falcon Heavy flight in a maneuver never before attempted. The upper stage, which enters orbit at a velocity of more than five miles per second would need a beefier heat shield than the first stage, which comes down at lower speeds.

“Considering trying to bring upper stage back on Falcon Heavy demo flight for full reusability,” Musk tweeted. “Odds of success low, but maybe worth a shot.”

If the first Falcon Heavy flight goes well, the U.S. Air Force has booked the second launch to haul up multiple research satellites for the military, NASA and universities. The Space Test Program-2, or STP-2 flight will place the payloads in multiple orbits at different altitudes.

Thursday’s reflight of a previously-used Falcon 9 first stage booster went a long way toward SpaceX’s goal of recovering and rapidly relaunching rockets, an achievement Musk said could, theoretically, reduce launch costs by a factor of 100.

“The design intent is that the rocket can be reflown with zero hardware changes,” Musk said. “In other words, the only thing you change is you reload the propellant.”

SpaceX’s goal is to launch each Falcon 9 first stage 10 times with only inspections.

“Then, with moderate refurbishment that doesn’t have a significant effect on the cost, it can be reflown at least 100 times,” Musk said.

He said SpaceX’s engineers were “incredibly paranoid” preparing the previously-flown rocket for launch last week with the SES 10 communications satellite. The booster first flew in April 2016 carrying a Dragon supply ship toward the International Space Station, then landed on SpaceX’s offshore platform.

The rocket repeated that feat Thursday, again returning to Earth on SpaceX’s drone ship.

“The core airframe remained the same,” Musk said. “The engines remained the same, but any auxiliary components that we thought might be slightly questionable, we changed out.”

SpaceX plans up to six more reflights of Falcon 9 first stage boosters this year, including the two side boosters on the first Falcon Heavy. Officials have not identified customers for the other reuse launches, but SES chief technology officer Martin Halliwell told reporters that the SES 14 and SES 16 communications satellites scheduled to launch on Falcon 9 rockets in the fall are candidates to ride on a previously-flown launch vehicle.

The company recently leased a disused former Spacehab processing facility near the southern gate of Cape Canaveral Air Force Station to refurbish rocket hardware. SpaceX has retrieved eight first stage boosters to date — including landing one vehicle twice — but at least three of those first stages are not intended to fly again.

The first booster that landed at Cape Canaveral in December 2015 is on display outside SpaceX’s headquarters building in Hawthorne, California, and the first stage that launched last week with SES 10 will be put on public display somewhere at the Florida spaceport. Engineers ran through a series of extensive ground testing with a rocket that lifted off with a Japanese communications satellite last year, leaving it unsuitable for a second launch.

Another upgrade to the Falcon 9 family is due later this year to ease the work needed between flights of the same first stage booster, raise the power of the rocket’s Merlin engines, and test out safety features for future launches with astronauts.

The so-called Block 5 configuration of the Falcon 9 will fly at least seven times with a “frozen” design before NASA puts astronauts on the rocket, according to space agency officials.

SpaceX is one of two companies — along with Boeing — working on commercial spaceships to ferry crews to and from the space station. The Crew Dragon capsule will launch on Falcon 9 rockets from pad 39A, and SpaceX has finished construction of a new access arm for astronauts to board the spacecraft before liftoff.

The access arm will be installed at pad 39A some time later this year during a lull in launch operations.

A test flight of the Crew Dragon spaceship without astronauts aboard is penciled in on SpaceX’s manifest for November, followed by a demonstration with two crew members no sooner than May 2018.

NASA considers those target launch dates optimistic, and they assume everything goes according to plan, said Kathy Lueders, manager of NASA’s commercial crew program, in a presentation last week to the NASA Advisory Council’s Human Exploration and Operations Committee.

“The most important part of Block 5 will be operating the engines at their full thrust capability, which is about 7 or 8 percent — almost 10 percent — more than what they currently run at,” Musk said. “And a number of other important (things) to have reusability go smoothly as well, like the forged titanium grid fins. It’ll bring in a bunch of other factors.”

One of the four grid fins on SpaceX’s Falcon 9 first stage heats up from the booster’s re-entry March 30 after launching the SES 10 communications satellite. Credit: SpaceX

The new grid fins will replace the first stage’s current aluminum winglets, four of which help stabilize and steer the rocket during descent. SpaceX added the grid fins to the first stage after crashing for the first attempt to land a rocket on the drone ship, incorporating the deployable fins to improve steering.

On a typical launch, the first stage jettisons from the upper segment of the Falcon 9 around two-and-a-half minutes after liftoff, then activates cold gas nitrogen thrusters to to flip around to fly tail first. Soaring above 60 miles (100 kilometers) in altitude, the internationally recognized boundary of space, a subset of the booster’s nine Merlin engines then reignite multiple times to slow down for a vertical landing.

“Some of the technical elements that are the most tricky, I think, for reuse are the base heat shield of the rocket (and) the grid fins,” Musk said. “If you saw the webcast (of SES 10’s launch), you may have noticed the grid fins were lighting on fire.”

The aluminum grid fins currently flying on the Falcon 9 are covered in heat shield material.

“But it gets so hot that it lights on fire a little bit, which is not great for reuse,” Musk said. “The new grid fins should be capable of taking a scorching and being fine.”

The upgraded rocket will have more control authority on descent, Musk added.

“It will actually improve the payload to orbit by being able to fly at a higher angle of attack, and use the aerodynamic elements to effectively glide,” Musk said. “It actually does have a lift-over-drag (ratio) of roughly one if flown at the right angle of attack, but you need control authority, particularly pitch control authority.”

Engineers want to add a thermal barrier coating to replace the paint currently used on the first stage, which can melt and bubble from the extreme heating of re-entry.

The heat shield at the base of the rocket protects the engines and the plumbing of the booster’s propulsion system. It currently has to be replaced between each launch of the same rocket.

“I think we’ve got the base heat shield thing addressed,” Musk said. “We’ve got a good plan for the grid fins, and there are a bunch of little things that need to be ironed out.”

But Musk said he is optimistic SpaceX can achieve his goal of landing and reflying a first stage booster within 24 hours as soon as next year.

“It does seem as though we may do maybe half a dozen more flights of a reflown booster this year, and then next year probably double that,” Musk said. “Then I would suspect that, for the Falcon architecture over time, probably three-quarters of our missions, or more, are with a reflown booster.”

Engineers also are experimenting with recovering the Falcon 9 payload fairing, a composite structure that covers satellites during the first few minutes of launch, then splits open in two halves to fall into the sea.

Musk confirmed one half of the fairing from the SES 10 launch Thursday landed intact, using tiny thrusters and a steerable parachute to soften its splashdown in the Atlantic Ocean.

The Block 5 upgrade — Musk said he prefers to call it Version 2.5 — will include around 100 changes to the vehicle, according to Gwynne Shotwell, SpaceX’s president and chief operating officer.

Shotwell said in February that the changes include a fix to a turbine wheel cracking issue in the Falcon 9’s Merlin engines publicly disclosed in a government watchdog report.

Musk’s long-term objective for SpaceX is to dispatch huge transport ships to Mars, eventually carrying hundreds or thousands of people to settle on the red planet.

Rocket reusability “is a critical part of the Mars plan, if you consider the goal … is not to be a single mission, but one where we establish a self-sustaining city on Mars,” Musk said.

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