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End of Year/Christmas Hackerspace dinner

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tony onofrio

Dec 3, 2023, 11:22:45 AM12/3/23
to HackerSpace - Adelaide, South Australia
End of Year/Christmas Hackerspace dinner at the Southern Hotel, 6 pm Tuesday Dec 19th. I have booked for 30 so please put names and numbers in comments by the 15th, so if we have bigger numbers I can warn the pub. The Southern Hotel is a short stroll from the Tonsley campus, and in the past some have gone back to the lab for more fun with electronics. Tell Damian Kleiss if you plan on that.
See you all at the pub!

tony onofrio

Dec 13, 2023, 7:21:18 AM12/13/23
to HackerSpace - Adelaide, South Australia

Please let us know if you are coming to the Christmas Dinner by Friday (15th).
Partners and family are welcome.
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