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Hackerspace Annual General Meeting 2023 is next month.

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tony onofrio

Feb 22, 2023, 3:12:05 AM2/22/23
to HackerSpace - Adelaide, South Australia
It's time to review what Hackerspace Adelaide has done in the last year, vote on a new committee, and have a fun afternoon.

The AGM will be held at -
Makerspace Adelaide
WEA Building,
223 Angas St, Adelaide

Saturday 25th March
1:30pm for a 2pm start.

We'll have the AGM, followed by a hack session, free Pizza and refreshments.

tony onofrio

Feb 22, 2023, 3:14:21 AM2/22/23
to HackerSpace - Adelaide, South Australia
We are also looking for committee members to help improve Hackerspace and the things we do.
Being a committee member doesn't take up much time, a couple of hours each month. If you are interested, message me and we can discuss what's involved.
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