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Science Alive! 2023 is happening soon.

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tony onofrio

Jul 12, 2023, 10:27:40 AM7/12/23
to HackerSpace - Adelaide, South Australia
Science Alive! 2023 is happening soon.
August 5-6 2023

It's great day out for everyone. Whether you have an interest in science or not, by yourself, with friends, with family, from 5 years old to 100, there's something for everyone.

Hackerspace Adelaide will be there to show the things that we do at hack sessions and at home. If you have something you have built and would like to show it off, we would love to have it on our stand. Let us know and I'll contact you to arrange it.

We also need volunteers to help over the 3-6 of August. Thursday 3rd is setup day, Friday 4th is STEM Day Out (year 7-12 students), 5th & 6th are for general public. Volunteers for the stand don't need to be there for the whole 3 days or even 1 day. If you can spare a few hours on one of the days, that would be great.
Please let me know in the comments, or a PM if you have something to display or want to volunteer. Let me know soon as I need to get entrance and parking passes for volunteers.
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