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Parks Library Makerspace

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Robert Hart

Aug 26, 2023, 1:57:21 AM8/26/23
to HackerSpace - Adelaide, South Australia
Hello Hackerspace,

Why not ook an induction to use the Parks Makerspace free.

Opening hours
Monday-closed * Tuesday, 12 pm-5 pm * Wednesdays, 9 am-5 pm * Thursday,
12 pm-5 pm
Friday, 12 pm-7 pm * Saturday, 10 am-4 pm * Sunday, 10 am-4 pm * Sunday,
Public 1 pm-4 pm

I'm an old founding member of Hackespace Adelaide and was on the
committee for a few years in the early days. I currently work for PAE
Libraries as the STEM Learning and Programs Officer.  This year I've
been tasked with reactivating the Parks Library Makerspace. Which is not
far from where the previous Woodville Hackerspace at The Brocas.

We have recently opened the Parks Makerspace up to everyone who has
complete a room induction and agrees to a code of conduct. I'm currently
in the process of commissioning a new 55W XTool Laser Cutter with
conveyor and rotary Tool options. Also some of the latest Bambu Lab 3D
printers.  We already have have lots of tools and run workshops even a
monthly IoT workshop. The Parks Library Makerspace is more than just a
room it is part of a beautiful modern airy library with courtyard, large
community kitchen, Internet, meeting rooms and a large library.

Anyway I was at the Makerspace this Saturday,  and in the past, the
makerspace would not open, but it is now, and thought wouldn't it be
wonderful to see some my loverly Hackerspace peeps using it :)



Robert Hart
South Australia - -

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