Sorry for those that don't use the Facebook page. I just realised that this was not sent out on the mailing lists.
The Tonsley Hotel, a short stroll from Flinders, is due to be bulldozed in 2023, so this is your last chance to have end of year dinner there! Instead of heading east to the Southern, you turn left at the South Rd intersection, and 200m later, past the Toyota dealership, there you are.
It's pub grub and we have 2 big tables for 20. Though we can fit more.
Meet there to nosh, and waddle back to the lab from about 8pm if you like!
I'll be collecting a list so the hotel knows how many to expect. Please let me know by about the 15th Dec so we can finalise numbers.
You can respond here or via if that's easier.
Thanks all!