Poll: Move Section 1.3 Meeting?

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Chris Conley

Feb 19, 2009, 6:02:24 AM2/19/09
to Hacker News Reads SICP
There's been some talk about taking more time for Section 1.3.

I've put up a poll at http://is.gd/k5bu and it would be great if
everyone could respond.


Feb 19, 2009, 8:27:51 PM2/19/09
to hacker-news...@googlegroups.com
Chris Conley wrote:
> I've put up a poll at http://is.gd/k5bu and it would be great if
> everyone could respond.

That's the first online poll I've seen that didn't let you see the
results, or change your vote.

I voted to keep the meeting as planned but don't actually have any
strong preference. I've done up to 1.39; like Chris, I am finding
it easier than the previous section, but I don't know if I'll have
time to finish the rest by Sunday.


Chris Conley

Feb 19, 2009, 8:36:58 PM2/19/09
to hacker-news...@googlegroups.com
On Thu, Feb 19, 2009 at 8:27 PM, inimino <ini...@inimino.org> wrote:
That's the first online poll I've seen that didn't let you see the
results, or change your vote.

How selfish of me! It didn't even cross my mind! In any case, here are the results (though I couldn't see where to allow vote changes):

It looks like the majority would like the meeting moved to March 1st.


Feb 20, 2009, 7:10:38 PM2/20/09
to hacker-news...@googlegroups.com
Chris Conley wrote:
> http://cconley5.wufoo.com/reports/sicp-section-13-meeting/


> It looks like the majority would like the meeting moved to March 1st.

Yes. Shall we move 1.3 to March 1st, then? I don't see much
value in trying to review it when more than half haven't had
time to finish.

On Sunday, maybe we should have an informal/unstructured/
catch-up/anything goes meeting for those who want to?


Chris Conley

Feb 20, 2009, 11:16:41 PM2/20/09
to hacker-news...@googlegroups.com
Agreed.  Let's move section 1.3 to March 1st while this Sunday can be an anything goes meeting for those interested.
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