Exercise and Solutions Discussion Wiki

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Feb 23, 2009, 6:56:11 PM2/23/09
to hacker-news...@googlegroups.com
Hi all,

I've thrown up a dokuwiki installation at:


And filled in exercise 1.1 to see how it works.

It seems to work pretty well. You can use <code scheme></code>
to get syntax highlighting for Scheme.

The rest of the syntax is described here:


Sorry about the ugly URLs, I might fix those if I feel
like writing redirect rules sometime this week.

Right now the wiki is open to editing by anyone. If spam
becomes a problem I'll restrict it to registered accounts.

Creating an account is probably a good idea anyway so that
your edits will be identified by your name instead of IP

Please feel free to add solutions for the upcoming problems
or ones already solved, and if you like or dislike the wiki
engine please let me know.

I'll be adding my own solutions for problems as I do them,
and filling in problems already completed as time permits.


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