List of Potential Habits

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Apr 19, 2011, 3:51:06 PM4/19/11
to Habit Judo
Weekly Dinner Party
Two Week Media Fast
Improve Handwriting
Practice a Musical Instrument
Practice a Visual Art
Keep a Food Log
Drink enough for 5 clear pees per day
Commit 5 conscious acts of kindness
Fish OIl Multivitamin & Breakfast
3 second rule for new people
Learn to Dance
Brush & Floss properly each day
Keep a Journal
Carry a lunch
Walk Outside
Practice Cardio Activity
Practice Weight Training Routine
Keep another 1 of 12 Lists Regular
Add Habit to Morning Routine
Add Habit to Evening Routine
Eat 8 servings of Veggies each day
Eat Lean Protein at Every Meal
Eliminate Sugar from Diet
Eliminate White Carbohydrates from Diet
Find 5 wys of mnmzng dstrctns at wrk
Read & Implement HardiTraining
Keep and Balance a Checkbook
Spend no money for two weeks
Record Habits tried, and benefits received
Go on Protein Sparing Modified Fast
Drink green tea daily
Daily Review (with 1 week horizon)
Weekly Review (with 1 month horizon)
Monthly Review (with 1 year horizon)
Yearly Review (with 5 year horizon)
Learn and Apply Good Study Habits
Express Gratitude Daily
Build Persistence
Build Daily Reading Habit
Practice Go Problems Daily, Read Go Books
Learn and Practice Rapid Computation
Memorize appropriate poetry for common situations
Practice Memorization Skills
use text expander, map to dutton speedwords
convert to colemak keyboard
get body monitor, log vitals

Habits from the book Happiness Advantage:

Find Something to Look Forward To
Commit 5 Conscious Acts of Kindness
Infuse Positivity into your Surroundings
Spend Money to DO Things
Exercise Signature Strengths (love of learning, hope 4 future,
Intersperse Bursts of Joy
Frequently Recognize and Encourage
Reframe your Relative Experience of the Day
Reframe your work as a CALLING, not job
Reframe Intelligence is GROWTH
Positive Tetris: Express Gratitude
Positive Tetris: Express Optimism
Falling Up: ‘Failure’ as opportunity for Growth
Zorro Circle: Limit your Focus to Small Manageable Goals
First Circle: Self Awareness
Second Circle: Aspects inside and outside of your Control
20 second rule (make things easier you want, harder you don’t)
20 second rule (every decision you make depletes willpower)

Habits from the book Never Eat Alone

Know what you want
Build you network before you need it
Be audacious “Out there, in the mix, all the time” “be visible”
Don’t be a networking jerk
Do your homework
Take names
Don’t ever make a cold call
Manage the gatekeeper
Never eat alone “Never, ever disappear”
Share your passions
Follow-up or fail
Be a conference commando
Connect with connectors: restaurant owners, headhunters, lobbyists,
NPO fundraisers, PR flacks, politicians, journalists
Master small-talk
come up with creative ways to make those in your network successful
stay in touch: Keller-Williams pinging model
Find an anchor tenant and feed them
Be interesting: latest, most cutting edge idea in business world: how
does it apply to my industry.
Build your own brand
Find mentors, mentees, and repeat

Habits from Babauta's Zen to Done

Collect: pen and paper at all times
Process:what needs to be done on each thing on to do?
Plan: three Most Important Things each day (rocks) fill day with sand
(little tasks)
Do: knock out Rocks early, and distraction-free
Simple Trusted System: todo.txt+notetaker wallet?
Organize: Give Everything its Place
Review: LT Goal, ST Goal, Notes, Calendar, Lists, Set Weekly ST Goal &
Big Rocks 4 week
Simplify: Focus on Rocks, let sand wash away.
Set Routines: daily routine, incorporating many habits
Find Your Passion

Twelve Lists to Keep Regular (can add each as habit)

Task List (separate to-to and done lists)
Project Planning (separate to-do and done lists)
Wish List / Wish Less
Grocery / Shopping Lists
Gift/Gratitude Ideas
Reading Journal
Links & Logins
Life Lists / ST & LT Goals
Daily Summaries

Daily Lean Eating Habits (from Precision Nutrition)

Fish Oil & Multivitamin
Carb-Dense After Exercise
Lean Protein with Every Meal
At least 4 meals and snacks per day
Stopped when 80% full
Ate at least 6 veggie servings
Wrote down what ate today
Had recovery drink during exercise
Drank 2L of water
Slept at least 8 hrs
Avoided distractions while eating
Drank water, black coffee or green tea only


May 9, 2011, 7:47:36 AM5/9/11
to Habit Judo
Great list of habits, thanks.
How does the process work for weekly habits (or any that are not
daily) do you just get the points on the days when you do the habit?
e.g. If you aim to go to the gym once a week, you just get points on
the day that you go?

Apologies if this has already been covered
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