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Password Protecting Posts

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Mar 3, 2011, 12:20:25 AM3/3/11
to habari-users,
Is there any way to password protect posts and/or pages? If not, will
this feature be coming out soon?

Owen Winkler

Mar 3, 2011, 12:56:19 AM3/3/11
On 3/3/2011 12:20 AM, AngelicLies wrote:
> Is there any way to password protect posts and/or pages? If not, will
> this feature be coming out soon?

Habari comes with a plugin called "Simple Private Posts".

When you activate this plugin, it lets you mark certain entries as being
Private. Look in the "Settings" drawer on the post editing page for a
checkbox that says "Private Post", and check that box to make the post

Until you configure a user group to be able to view private posts, they
will not be visible to anyone but the administrator.

To configure the authenticated user group to view private posts, click
on "Groups" in the admin menu, then choose the "edit" option from the
drop button to the right of the "authenticated" group.

On the editing page for the group, check the "allow" box at the bottom
of the list that says "Permissions on posts marked as 'private'". This
will allow this group to view posts that are marked as private. Click
"Apply" to save these changes.

You can add users to the group at the top of the editing page. There is
also a plugin, maybe two, that will redirect users to the home page
after logging in, which is useful for keeping users out of the admin
that only have that one additional permission.

Is that what you had in mind? If not, it should be easy enough to build
something more suitable if you can describe what you're looking for in a
bit more detail.



Mar 4, 2011, 3:50:06 PM3/4/11
to habari-users
Does that plugin work on pages too?

Owen Winkler

Mar 4, 2011, 3:53:57 PM3/4/11
On 3/4/2011 3:50 PM, AngelicLies wrote:
> Does that plugin work on pages too?

Not currently, but that would be easy to expand on in a different
plugin. Would that be of interest to you?



Mar 4, 2011, 3:52:41 PM3/4/11
to habari-users
Also, how do I make edits to Simple Private Posts? I have this plugin
activated but I can't find a way to edit it anywhere!

Owen Winkler

Mar 4, 2011, 3:58:40 PM3/4/11
On 3/4/2011 3:52 PM, AngelicLies wrote:
> Also, how do I make edits to Simple Private Posts? I have this plugin
> activated but I can't find a way to edit it anywhere!

To edit the "private" setting? Look at this screenshot:

Let us know if that's not what you were looking for.


Chris Meller

Mar 4, 2011, 3:59:31 PM3/4/11
I'm not sure what you mean, but if you're asking how to mark them as private, there should be a new checkbox in the 'Settings' pane when you're editing a post.

On Mar 4, 2011, at 3:52 PM, AngelicLies wrote:

> Also, how do I make edits to Simple Private Posts? I have this plugin
> activated but I can't find a way to edit it anywhere!

> --
> To post to this group, send email to
> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
> For more options, visit this group at


Mar 4, 2011, 4:10:11 PM3/4/11
to habari-users

Yes, I would be greatly interested in getting this to work for pages!
Because thats really what I need.

> To edit the "private" setting? Look at this screenshot:
> Let us know if that's not what you were looking for.

Oh! Oh! I found it! xD Thanks!


Mar 8, 2011, 10:41:19 AM3/8/11
to habari-users
Awww, no replies on this post yest?

Chris J. Davis

Mar 8, 2011, 11:29:44 AM3/8/11
Sorry, late to this party. So the plugin only works for the post content type? Is that what the issue is?


Mar 9, 2011, 2:19:32 AM3/9/11
to habari-users
This plugin only works to make posts private. It doesn't make pages
private. :(

Michael C. Harris

Mar 9, 2011, 6:05:38 AM3/9/11
On 9 March 2011 18:19, AngelicLies <> wrote:
> This plugin only works to make posts private. It doesn't make pages
> private. :(

I've just updated the plugin in trunk so that any content type can be
made private, and it's not limited to entries.

The question now is about how to get the (very simple) changes to you.
What version of Habari are you using?

Michael C. Harris, School of CS&IT, RMIT University
IRC: michaeltwofish #habari


Mar 11, 2011, 11:41:07 PM3/11/11
to habari-users
You could email it to me if you'd like. Also I use Habari 0.6.6.

On Mar 9, 6:05 am, "Michael C. Harris" <>


Mar 31, 2011, 8:03:05 PM3/31/11
to habari-users
Still no replies to this? :/

On Mar 9, 7:05 am, "Michael C. Harris" <>
> On 9 March 2011 18:19, AngelicLies <> wrote:
> > This plugin only works to make posts private. It doesn't make pages
> > private. :(
> I've just updated the plugin in trunk so that any content type can be
> made private, and it's not limited to entries.
> The question now is about how to get the (very simple) changes to you.
> What version of Habari are you using?
> --

Michael C. Harris

Mar 31, 2011, 8:32:53 PM3/31/11
On 1 April 2011 11:03, AngelicLies <> wrote:
> Still no replies to this? :/

My apologies, we've been getting 0.7 ready for release. If you wait a
couple of days more, you can upgrade to 0.7, where the fix is included


Michael C. Harris

Apr 1, 2011, 9:53:06 PM4/1/11
On 1 April 2011 11:32, Michael C. Harris <> wrote:
> On 1 April 2011 11:03, AngelicLies <> wrote:
>> Still no replies to this? :/
> My apologies, we've been getting 0.7 ready for release. If you wait a
> couple of days more, you can upgrade to 0.7, where the fix is included
> :)

Habari 0.7 has now been released, so upgrading will get you the
functionality you're after.


Apr 10, 2011, 2:19:00 AM4/10/11
to habari-users
How do I upgrade my Habari?

On Apr 1, 9:53 pm, "Michael C. Harris" <>
> On 1 April 2011 11:32, Michael C. Harris <> wrote:
> > On 1 April 2011 11:03, AngelicLies <> wrote:
> >> Still no replies to this? :/
> > My apologies, we've been getting 0.7 ready for release. If you wait a
> > couple of days more, you can upgrade to 0.7, where the fix is included
> > :)
> Habari 0.7 has now been released, so upgrading will get you the
> functionality you're after.
> --

Michael C. Harris

Apr 10, 2011, 2:23:45 AM4/10/11
On 10 April 2011 16:19, AngelicLies <> wrote:
> How do I upgrade my Habari?

See the upgrading page on the wiki for instructions:

You might also want to look at the 0.7 release notes:

If you have any questions, ask here.



Apr 27, 2011, 10:24:10 PM4/27/11
to habari-users
Okay, now I installed the new version of Habari... my themes don't
work anymore... Updating was definitely a bad choice...

On Apr 10, 2:23 am, "Michael C. Harris" <>
> On 10 April 2011 16:19, AngelicLies <> wrote:
> > How do I upgrade my Habari?
> See the upgrading page on the wiki for instructions:
> You might also want to look at the 0.7 release notes:
> If you have any questions, ask here.
> --

Michael C. Harris

Apr 27, 2011, 11:23:17 PM4/27/11
On 28 April 2011 12:24, AngelicLies <> wrote:
> Okay, now I installed the new version of Habari... my themes don't
> work anymore... Updating was definitely a bad choice...

Updating is definitely a good choice. 0.6 is no longer supported, and
there are security issues that are addressed in 0.7.

Habari 0.7 made some changes to themes. The links I sent above
describe how to fix themes for 0.7, and the changes are generally
quite small. Are you using a custom theme you've developed yourself or
a theme you downloaded?

Don't worry, we'll get you happily on 0.7.



Apr 28, 2011, 5:29:56 PM4/28/11
to habari-users
And now I REALLY can't stand 0.7 because Now I can't login! Yeah, I'm
definitely regretting this upgrade...

I use a premade theme. Its was called OldPrice by Fireyy. I would make
my old theme, but there's no tutorials on that like there are for
wordpress. The Wiki for Habari is TOTALLY USELESS. Love Habari, except
right now. Upgrading is HELL and very time consuming. I like Habari
more then WordPress, but this right now, makes me wish I was using

On Apr 27, 11:23 pm, "Michael C. Harris" <>
> On 28 April 2011 12:24, AngelicLies <> wrote:
> > Okay, now I installed the new version of Habari... my themes don't
> > work anymore... Updating was definitely a bad choice...
> Updating is definitely a good choice. 0.6 is no longer supported, and
> there are security issues that are addressed in 0.7.
> Habari 0.7 made some changes to themes. The links I sent above
> describe how to fix themes for 0.7, and the changes are generally
> quite small. Are you using a custom theme you've developed yourself or
> a theme you downloaded?
> Don't worry, we'll get you happily on 0.7.
> --


Apr 28, 2011, 5:34:40 PM4/28/11
to habari-users
I can't reset my password either. To say the least, I'm starting to
really hate Habari.

On Apr 27, 11:23 pm, "Michael C. Harris" <>
> On 28 April 2011 12:24, AngelicLies <> wrote:
> > Okay, now I installed the new version of Habari... my themes don't
> > work anymore... Updating was definitely a bad choice...
> Updating is definitely a good choice. 0.6 is no longer supported, and
> there are security issues that are addressed in 0.7.
> Habari 0.7 made some changes to themes. The links I sent above
> describe how to fix themes for 0.7, and the changes are generally
> quite small. Are you using a custom theme you've developed yourself or
> a theme you downloaded?
> Don't worry, we'll get you happily on 0.7.
> --

Michael C. Harris

Apr 29, 2011, 4:35:28 AM4/29/11
On 29 April 2011 07:29, AngelicLies <> wrote:
> And now I REALLY can't stand 0.7 because Now I can't login!

Some people have reported this issue, and we believe it is fixed, and
an update will be made soon. In the meantime, you can try changing one

In system/classes/session.php change line 30 from this:

$path = Site::get_path( 'base' );

to this:

$path = Site::get_path( 'base', true );

Now delete the cookies for your domain and try to log in again.

> I use a premade theme. Its was called OldPrice by Fireyy.

I've found the theme and will make a 0.7 version available for you
over the weekend.

> I would make
> my old theme, but there's no tutorials on that like there are for
> wordpress. The Wiki for Habari is TOTALLY USELESS.

I'm sorry you don't find the wiki useful. This page is specifically
about creating a custom theme, If you
could give feedback, I can try to fix things.


Michael C. Harris

Apr 29, 2011, 4:44:34 AM4/29/11
On 29 April 2011 18:35, Michael C. Harris <> wrote:
>> I use a premade theme. Its was called OldPrice by Fireyy.
> I've found the theme and will make a 0.7 version available for you
> over the weekend.

By the way, Fireyy's themes are here, in case someone can look at this
before me (Saturday morning in Australia, at the earliest).


May 1, 2011, 3:54:20 AM5/1/11
to habari-users
Making that change to the session.php page worked. Now I can login.
Thank you!!

> I've found the theme and will make a 0.7 version available for you over the weekend.

Thank you very much!

> I'm sorry you don't find the wiki useful. This page is specifically
> about creating a custom theme,
> If you
> could give feedback, I can try to fix things.

The wiki, doesn't give anything. See, THIS:
Is a tutorial for turning an HTML layout into a WordPress theme. Its
not the best tutorial, but its a very good one. That wiki page you
gave me, is NOTHING like this. A tutorial should be short, simple, and
to the point. That wiki page is long, on going, and explains NOTHING.
If gives little to no coding to help. Here:
is a WordPress tutorial for include codes. This helps one display
search bars, etc. That wiki page you gave me, is nothing like either
of these tutorials. That wiki page is long, on going, and confusing.
Who has 3 hours to spend reading that entire wiki page?

Some of the wiki is useful. However, when it comes to teaching people
how to convert layouts to Habari themes. Its useless and frustrating.
I've spent weeks struggling to learn Habari themes. I've read the wiki
and I just can't get it. Its like reading some alien language. I mean,
if you, or someone could walk me through each step (over IM) to
converting a layout to Habari, I would have no problem. Once I know
what I'm doing, I could make a tutorial for this. But right now, all
I'm doing is struggling and getting no where.

On Apr 29, 4:35 am, "Michael C. Harris" <>
> On 29 April 2011 07:29, AngelicLies <> wrote:
> > And now I REALLY can't stand 0.7 because Now I can't login!
> Some people have reported this issue, and we believe it is fixed, and
> an update will be made soon. In the meantime, you can try changing one
> line.
> In system/classes/session.php change line 30 from this:
> $path = Site::get_path( 'base' );
> to this:
> $path = Site::get_path( 'base', true );
> Now delete the cookies for your domain and try to log in again.
> > I use a premade theme. Its was called OldPrice by Fireyy.
> I've found the theme and will make a 0.7 version available for you
> over the weekend.
> > I would make
> > my old theme, but there's no tutorials on that like there are for
> > wordpress. The Wiki for Habari is TOTALLY USELESS.
> I'm sorry you don't find the wiki useful. This page is specifically
> about creating a custom theme,  If you
> could give feedback, I can try to fix things.
> --

Andy C

May 1, 2011, 8:08:13 AM5/1/11

Michael C. Harris

May 12, 2011, 3:32:35 AM5/12/11
On 1 May 2011 17:54, AngelicLies <> wrote:
>> I've found the theme and will make a 0.7 version available for you over the weekend.
> Thank you very much!

You can download a 0.7 compatible version from here:

Let me know if there are any issues.

>> I'm sorry you don't find the wiki useful. This page is specifically
>> about creating a custom theme,
>>  If you
>> could give feedback, I can try to fix things.
> The wiki, doesn't give anything. See, THIS:
> Is a tutorial for turning an HTML layout into a WordPress theme. Its
> not the best tutorial, but its a very good one. That wiki page you
> gave me, is NOTHING like this. A tutorial should be short, simple, and
> to the point. That wiki page is long, on going, and explains NOTHING.
> If gives little to no coding to help. Here:
> is a WordPress tutorial for include codes. This helps one display
> search bars, etc. That wiki page you gave me, is nothing like either
> of these tutorials. That wiki page is long, on going, and confusing.
> Who has 3 hours to spend reading that entire wiki page?
> Some of the wiki is useful. However, when it comes to teaching people
> how to convert layouts to Habari themes. Its useless and frustrating.
> I've spent weeks struggling to learn Habari themes. I've read the wiki
> and I just can't get it. Its like reading some alien language.

Thanks for the feedback. When I get a chance, I'll try to improve the
theme-specific pages of the wiki.

> I mean,
> if you, or someone could walk me through each step (over IM) to
> converting a layout to Habari, I would have no problem. Once I know
> what I'm doing, I could make a tutorial for this. But right now, all
> I'm doing is struggling and getting no where.

You can always get help on IRC[1]. If you're not familiar with IRC,
you could try the LiveHelp plugin[2].




May 27, 2011, 8:53:57 PM5/27/11
to habari-users
Thank you for updating the OldPrice theme for me! Yay!

As for the IRC, i'm not even sure what that is. It didn't look like
there was any help there.

And the Livechat plugin, didn't provide any help either. That doesn't
actually give me any help. :( That's just a plugin.

On May 12, 3:32 am, "Michael C. Harris" <>


May 27, 2011, 8:56:03 PM5/27/11
to habari-users
I've seen that page like a million times actually. Its not very
helpful to me, no. I need someone who can walk me through everything,
step, by step. Plus, I don't need a wordpress to habari. i need an
"HTML layout" (a layout without any PHP) to a habari theme.

On May 1, 8:08 am, Andy C <> wrote:
> This is an old post but may be helpful

Michael C. Harris

May 27, 2011, 10:39:05 PM5/27/11
On 28 May 2011 10:53, AngelicLies <> wrote:
> Thank you for updating the OldPrice theme for me! Yay!
> As for the IRC, i'm not even sure what that is. It didn't look like
> there was any help there.
> And the Livechat plugin, didn't provide any help either. That doesn't
> actually give me any help. :( That's just a plugin.

Yes, the LiveHelp plugin connects to IRC. There is definitely help
available in IRC, but you have to pick the time. Think of it as a room
where people hang out. They come and go, and sometimes there are
people there to help and other times there aren't.


Michael C. Harris

May 27, 2011, 10:40:03 PM5/27/11
On 28 May 2011 10:56, AngelicLies <> wrote:
> I've seen that page like a million times actually. Its not very
> helpful to me, no. I need someone who can walk me through everything,
> step, by step. Plus, I don't need a wordpress to habari. i need an
> "HTML layout" (a layout without any PHP) to a habari theme.

Owen recently started this page:

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