Hi Team,
I tried upgrading h2-1.4.196 to h2-2.2.224 to verify.
Is connecting with Automatic Mixed Mode(AUTO_SERVER=TRUE) from different PCs no longer supported?
* Automatic Mixed Mode
https://www.h2database.com/html/features.html?highlight=AUTO_SERVER&search=AUTO_SERVER%20#auto_mixed_mode* Could not connect even on the console.
java -cp h2-2.2.224.jar org.h2.tools.Shell -url "jdbc:h2:file:.\db;CIPHER=AES;AUTO_SERVER=TRUE;NON_KEYWORDS=USER,VALUE;" -driver "org.h2.Driver" -user "test" -password "test"
java -cp h2-2.2.224.jar org.h2.tools.Shell -url "jdbc:h2:file:.\\pc1\db;CIPHER=AES;AUTO_SERVER=TRUE;NON_KEYWORDS=USER,VALUE;" -driver "org.h2.Driver" -user "test" -password "test"
Database may be already in use: "Lock file exists: //pc1/db.lock.db". Possible solutions: close all other connection(s); use the server mode [90020-224]
*Past similar questions