I'm remembered those Ruby snippets for you. In TextMate, trigger these using the "source.ruby" scope selector. In other other editors you're on your own.
Set a ruby-debug breakpoint:
(require 'ruby-debug'; debugger; nil) #!!
Set a pry breakpoint:
(require 'pry'; binding.pry) #!!
Print an expression:
puts "${1:var}: #{(${1}).inspect}" #!!
Pretty print an expression (assumes you've required 'pp'):
puts "== ${1:var} ==" #!!
Print the class and method name of the current method:
puts "#{self.class}##{__method__}" #!!
I use "#!!" to mark temporary lines of code. As Adeh said, a svn commit hook to prevent accidental committing of the pattern would be a boon.
Happy Rubying,