List of uploaded files not showing after page refresh?

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Rene Dupont

Mar 11, 2015, 10:39:21 AM3/11/15
Hey everyone,

I started using GWT and gwtupload a few days ago and I'm stuck at a (probably) simple task.
I have one page (no login or whatsoever) which has a MultiUploader widget and if I upload something it shows the progressbar and when its finished also the filename.
Since I'm using the MultiUploader I can do this with more than one and it shows me all file names. So until here everything works great.
Now, if I refresh the page, the list of files, which I already uploaded before is gone, even though if I debug and look into the Session object,
they are still there.
I'm using the custom UploadServlet from the examples. The one who copies the files from the session temporarely to the harddisk. I commented out the
part at the end of this servlet: removeSessionFileItems(request); so that I can debug the session object to find out if the files are still in there.

Since I'm fairly new to this, what am I missing here? What needs to be done to show the already uploaded files after a refresh?
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