I decided to learn GWT by doing a small project that i plan to add to github soon. I started out by using the standard DND supported by browsers and GWT. It kind of works but has issues. It doesn't have a consistent look across all browsers and it doesn't support mobile touch events. So i decided to look at the gwt-dnd project. This projects has a lot of really nicely written code and is very impressive. From my limited prospective by looking at examples it does way too much for me. I was hoping that someone could show me an example where i could uses the pieces of gwt-dnd to replace the mechanisms that gwt and standard DND use. This way i would not have to do a major rewrite of my code to handle mobile. I already have all the things i need for styling and drag look and drop look done. gwt-dnd has its own way of doing this that I would rather not use if possible. If someone could show me a way to replace standard DND with gwt-dnd it would save me a ton of time of analyzing the code to fish out the lower level pieces i would need to accomplish this. Frankly is makes sense to me that there should be a straight forward way to switch back and forth between the two methods of DND. I know gwt-dnd predates the standard browser way but now that its is standard should it be made to conform? I guess i could also look at fixing standard GWT DND and enhance it to support mobile but I would actually just prefer to focus on the code for my project.Leon Lambert
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