GWT Dispatch & Session Access without guice or spring

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Kay Hellmich

Mar 25, 2015, 4:03:13 PM3/25/15
I'm new to gwt-dispatch and try to use gwt-dispatch 1.2 to simplify service calls. However I cannot get access to the session up and running.
I'm trying a simplified "Helloworld".
I read a lot about solutions with spring and guice, however I don't know these concepts and wonder if there's an easier way as a starting point.
Also -neither for juice nor for spring- I found full working examples, just snippets that don't allow me to get to a working service.
Could someone tell me what I need to add or - if there's no simple solution without guice/spring - can post a fully working version of some dispatcher code (with imports / additional libraries) that allows session access?
many thanks

DispatchService: (working so far)
public class RPCDispatchService extends RemoteServiceServlet implements StandardDispatchService {

    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
    private Dispatch dispatch;
    private HttpSession session;
    public RPCDispatchService() {
        InstanceActionHandlerRegistry registry = new DefaultActionHandlerRegistry();
        registry.addHandler(new RPCSomeAction2SomeResultExecutor()); // call my testservice here
        this.dispatch = new SimpleDispatch(registry);
    public Result execute(Action<?> action) throws DispatchException {
        this.session = this.getThreadLocalRequest().getSession();
        this.session.setAttribute("answer", 42);
        try {
            return dispatch.execute(action);
        } catch ( RuntimeException e) {
            log( "Exception while executing " + action.getClass().getName() + ": " + e.getMessage(), e );
            throw e;

TestService: (no session available)

public class RPCSomeAction2SomeResultExecutor implements ActionHandler<SomeAction, SomeResult>{
    private int result = 0;
    public Class<SomeAction> getActionType() {

        return SomeAction.class;
    public synchronized SomeResult execute( SomeAction action, ExecutionContext context ) throws ActionException {
        result = action.getParameter() + 1; // the Action is an Incrementer...
        if (this.getThreadLocalRequest().getSession() == null) // not available because i'm not a servlet
            result = -1; 
    result = (int) this.httpSession.get().getAttribute("answer"); // how do i get access to the session?
            return new SomeResult( action.getParameter(), result );

public synchronized void rollback( SomeAction action, SomeResult result, ExecutionContext context ) throws ActionException {

Juan Pablo Gardella

Mar 25, 2015, 4:13:23 PM3/25/15


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