Using Datepicker without resources

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Shaun Tarves

Nov 4, 2014, 3:33:58 PM11/4/14
I am trying to use Datepicker module, and I've found that using 

<inherits name='com.github.gwtbootstrap.datepicker.Datepicker' /> injects ALL of the bootstrap CSS and JS, as opposed to just the resources that belong to Datepicker. Is this expected? 

My issue is that I bring my own Bootstrap CSS and JS files to my gwt app, so I use <inherits name="com.github.gwtbootstrap.BootstrapNoResources" />. I understand that I can use <inherits name='com.github.gwtbootstrap.datepicker.DatepickerNoResources' />, but then I lose the I18N features because of the injection scheme.

I've looked at the code for quite a while and I can't even figure out how Datepicker is injecting the standard bootstrap stuff because it looks like it should just work the way I want it to.

Is there a way to JUST get the Datepicker resources? Can I use DatepickerNoResources and then just inject the Datepicker resources myself?

Thanks for the help in advance...

Shaun Tarves

Nov 5, 2014, 8:35:23 AM11/5/14
For anyone interested, I was able to solve this problem by using the example of a custom Configurator with its own Resources (shown here: to essentially force GWTBootstrap to load empty core bootstrap css/js files, leaving my existing external ones as authority.

Now Datepicker can still inject what it needs, but relies on my externally provided Bootstrap CSS and JS.
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