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Newbie Question on Publishing Ads

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Scott Gulbransen

Mar 24, 2018, 2:14:18 PM3/24/18
to Google Web Designer beta
Hi all...thanks for the help in advance. I just started playing with GWD and purchased some ad templates as well to help me get familiar.

Question: Once I created an ad, what's the process for then uploading it to my own website vs. AdWords? My website template (WordPress) asks me for ad banner code to put the ad next to my header.

Thanks in advance...a lot to learn.


Mar 26, 2018, 11:30:16 AM3/26/18
to Google Web Designer beta
I don't know the workflow for Wordpress, but for Adwords: You Publish > Locally: Create zip, and upload that zip to Adwords.
To publish content on my own website, for example at, I would do the same but uncheck the box "Create zip" and simply upload the published files to my web site.
Maybe that process is similar to what you need. I would check the Wordpress user forum for more details.

Hope that helps,

Google Web Designer team
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