REQUEST: Convert exported assets into basic/simple GWD files

4 προβολές
Παράβλεψη και μετάβαση στο πρώτο μη αναγνωσμένο μήνυμα

μη αναγνωσμένη,
29 Ιουν 2016, 10:05:58 μ.μ.29/6/16
ως Google Web Designer beta
Hi There,

We localise a lot of international assets for movie studios but often discover the original GWD files missing, causing weeks of delays, or extra work and general last minute stress.

Has there ever been talk of a converter that could take an exported directory of GWD assets and convert them back into a simple/basic GWD file?

I realise a lot of application data would be missing but surely basics like the assets, layers, components, events and animation could be reversed engineered based on the exported data?

Sorry if that's a simplistic view of the world!



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