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Bought web design - table structure or CSS layout?

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honey asin

Jan 4, 2018, 4:46:42 AM1/4/18
to Google Web Designer beta
 I tried a new web designer for one of my projects. After many tries, he builds a really nice design for my webpage and sent me the files. Now I wondered a much because he only slices it in Photoshop - 20 images (very very bad sliced, e.g. borders with content in one image) and all complete 1 table structure HTML file.

When I asked him to do it in CSS, he said he can't, he doesn't know how he is only a designer. His argument was: In his 4,5-year experience nobody asked for a sliced design, all customers would only have the PSD file and slice and create the HTML on their own. And - he added - table structures are completely normal in web design.

So, my question: Am I old or is he?

Until now, I have ever build a webpage with DIV and CSS, never used table until you really needed a table structured information to show. That's what I learn.

Please tell me your opinion and how to handle the actual situation.

Thank You
Honey Asin


Jan 4, 2018, 3:28:45 PM1/4/18
to Google Web Designer beta
Sorry, this is not the correct forum for this issue. This group supports users with the application "Google Web Designer".

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