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Help with YouTube masthead - NEW USER!!

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Sep 8, 2015, 10:35:02 PM9/8/15
to Google Web Designer beta
Hi all,

I'm a very new user to GWD, and have been trying to find some good learning material or step-by-step guides to creating ads using this software. Both of which seem to be extremely scarce!

I've made a YouTube masthead which seems to play for 5 seconds, pause... and do nothing else. What I need is for the exit button to work, and the video to be able to be played in full.

1. Ad stops after 5 seconds.
2. No video controls despite being set to 'show' in the properties tab.
3. Exit button not working.

If anyone can help with the following or point me to some very good step-by-step documentation that would be really helpful.

Many thanks!

Google Web Designer beta

Sep 22, 2015, 3:00:19 PM9/22/15
to Google Web Designer beta
Hi JP,

Have you figure out how to use templates?  
Sometimes the layers are nested, and you have to double click to get to the nested level in order to see the video property.
There are some useful tutorials on Youtube that you can check out:

Hope this helps.

Thanks for using Google Web Designer,

(GWD team)

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