Ubuntu 14.04 LTS language italian - Webdesigner starts but wont work!

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Oct 11, 2014, 7:12:56 AM10/11/14
to gwd...@googlegroups.com
Ubuntu 14.04 LTS language italian - Webdesigner starts but wont work!
Can somebody help me to solve that please?
Many thanks in advance.

Google Web Designer beta

Oct 14, 2014, 12:48:44 PM10/14/14
to gwd...@googlegroups.com

Sorry about the problem. I'm wondering if you see a white screen or a black screen, or something else.
I tested with Ubuntu 14.04 64bit by setting Italian as a primary language, I tried both Italian directory name and English directory name, works fine for me.

So please try to access to the following URL from your browser.

1) If a config information is displayed your network may be ok for GWD.
Then please remove the following directory to clear the GWD cache and try to launch it again. 

2)  If you see a white screen with GWD, and a config information is NOT displayed with your browser with the above URL (shell_config.xml), and if you are behind a proxy, you might need to apply a proxy setting to GWD. Please take a look at the following.

3) If you still have the problem, we need to look at the log file.
Please send us the log file to 


Ume (GWD team)

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