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Is there a way to prevent GWD adding line breaks to code?

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Zachary Yaro

May 5, 2017, 5:18:52 PM5/5/17
to Google Web Designer beta
Google Web Designer seems to arbitrarily add line breaks to code added in code view, which sometimes adds unwanted whitespace.  For instance, in once case, A<sup>2</sup> became A\n<sup>2</sup>, putting an unwanted space between the “A” and the exponent “2”.  Line breaks are also sometimes added after parentheses if the contents are wrapped in another tag.  For instance, (<span>A becomes (\n<span>A, putting an unwanted space between the paren and the text inside.

Is there a way to disable this aspect of GWD's code formatting?

Thank you,
Zachary Yaro

San Khong

May 5, 2017, 5:33:01 PM5/5/17
to Google Web Designer beta
Hi Zachary,

I'm sorry you're running into this issue. Can you please provide us with the test file before the line breaks are added so we can try to reproduce it? I will log a feature request for an option to turn off code beautify which might have caused the issue.

Google Web Designer team
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