Is there a gallery component that supports both video and photos?

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Jan 13, 2016, 2:34:54 PM1/13/16
to Google Web Designer beta
I'm looking for a gallery component that supports both video photo so we can include both instead of having to fit 2 components in the expanded frame.

Do Swipeable, Carousel, or 360° galleries support both?

If not, can somebody suggest a workaround or a 3rd party component that does?


Kishore Subramanian

Jan 14, 2016, 1:17:37 PM1/14/16
to Google Web Designer beta

Non-image components are supported in a gallery via Groups. The general idea is as follows:
1) Design groups with the type of content you wish to see in a "frame" of the Gallery. 
Eg: Group1 may contain an image + caption, Group 2 = Video and a caption, Group3  - YouTube etc.
2) Instead of using the "images" attribute of the gallery, set the groups attribute to "Group1,Group2,Group3". This basically instructs the Gallery to use the Group1 as the first frame, Group2 as the 2nd frame etc.

The only caveat is that the SwipeGallery's swipe feature must be turned off. This is to enable interaction with the video/youtube etc. Instead, use the GalleryNavigation component to provide navigation.

I have attached an example with the SwipeGallery.

Hope this helps.

(GWD Team)

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