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David Sanchez

Jul 15, 2014, 11:25:11 AM7/15/14
Anyone having trouble with adding a linear gradient to a dotted line? The idea is to create a a gradient around a text box with zero fill. The box will have a stroke with a linear gradient that will create the attached effect. When I styled the stroke and removed the fill, the program will still give me a fill. The attached was created by bringing in a png file and placing it inside the div/text box. No matter how many times I would remove the fill, it would still reappear.

Jason Long

Jul 18, 2014, 7:25:52 PM7/18/14
Hi David
Border gradient with border style (like dotted, inset, outset and others) are not supported in all browsers.  And for the second issue about the fill reappeared after you removed it.  I tried to reproduce the issue but unfortunately i cannot reproduce it.  Can you provide us more informations and/or provide us a source file? That will be a great help.

Jason (GWD team)
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