Few improvements?

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Aug 16, 2016, 10:07:23 AM8/16/16
to Google Web Designer beta
Love GWD, get on with it really well.

Only thing that bugs me is lack of line-height and letter spacing tools, I have no issue with adding this via CSS but it would be nice to have these tools as we have font size and color etc.

Also locking layers, shouldn't this actually lock the layer out completely? I can still nudge elements that are locked and completely edit them via the controls panel.

Last point, polite loading. On export we can check a box that says polite load, but what does this actually do? Surely we should be able to assign a preLoad image/content, rather than having to add this in via code view?

I came to GWD from Adobe Edge, and all these above features where available and were very useful.


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