How to create standard HTML5 banner ads

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Oct 1, 2014, 7:00:20 PM10/1/14
I have searched and searched, but cannot find any good, straight-forward explanations/tutorials/instructions on how to create simple, non-Rich Media, Standard HTML5 banner ads. Does anyone know where I might find such things?

And please don't just point me here:

That site seems to be primarily set up to show how to make Rich Media banners. I need information on Standard banners.

Thank you.

Oct 1, 2014, 7:39:36 PM10/1/14
My understanding of this, from the reading I have been doing and questions to doubleclick, is that as long as your HTML5 banner is under 40kb when packaged and as long as it doesn't use and of the items in the Component section of GWD, then it is standard.

However, I have not yet served a completed html5 ad - and am currently trying to work out how to add a clicktag if you can't use the components for Standard.!topic/gwdbeta/ZfNtHTWOLvc

There does not seem to be any straight forward info on Standard HTML5 banners. So I would also be interested on other official explanations.

Oct 6, 2014, 12:24:01 PM10/6/14
For adding basic clickTags, this actually seems to be the way to do it:

Note that we have found out that you can only have one clickTag in a Standard banner.

We also found, through talking with our DCRM rep, that when you create a New File, choosing HTML under Other will give you a standard banner that should be able to be uploaded to DoubleClick. I'm still waiting on clarification for some other aspects of the process, but at least I was able to get going.

I would really love some good, complete documentation of the entire process for Standard as well as Rich Media banners. There is a lot of disjointed information out there and some of it is contradictory, so finding answers has been a real challenge...but it shouldn't be. If you really want us to use your stuff, please tell us how to use it.

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