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Custom GWD template for Adwords

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Jan 22, 2018, 4:28:59 AM1/22/18
to Google Web Designer beta

I've tried to create a custom template in GWD as a template. I want to send this template to a client who is going to upload- and use it in Adwords. The template will hold a logo, an image-frame, a CTA, a title- and paragraph text. The image-frame, CTA and both the title- and paragraph text needs to be dynamic with bindings.

Could someone please take me through the process of doing this? So far the file I save as a template does not show the logo and the client can't upload it to Adwords. He gets the following error message: - The ZIP file has ads with a different Business Type than this campaign. Please upload a ZIP file with ads that have the same Business Type as this campaign.

Best Regards,

William | Designer

San Khong

Jan 22, 2018, 12:20:06 PM1/22/18
to Google Web Designer beta
Hi William,

When you open the template in Google Web Designer, open the Dynamic binding dialog and switch to the Data Schema tab to check to see which business type you set in the template. Your client must have a campaign set up with the feed that matches the business type you have chosen in the template or he would see the error you described.  For any feed other than retail, he can set it up in Settings > Business Data in the new AdWords. For retail, his account must be linked to the Google Merchant Center account. You can also pick the right schema or business type in the template to match his campaign feed setting. 

Hope it helps.
Google Web Designer team

Jan 23, 2018, 3:54:20 AM1/23/18
to Google Web Designer beta
Hi San,

Thank you so much for this. This helped us a lot. Moving on to the dynamic elements within the banner. I define the different content in the Dynamic Bindings section as follows:

p #price - HTML content - Product.0.price
p #productName - HTML content -
p #CTA_TXT - HTML content - Product.0.description
god-image #productIMG - Source - Product.0.url

When I preview this in the GWD preview I get a lot of "new" text. The price is in my GWD-file is "2.999,–" while in the preview it's "$12.65". The CTA has completely changed font-size and has gone from "SHOP" to "Product 0 Description". Is this just temporary as it's waiting for the client to fill in the actual info within his/hers feed?

And one more thing, where do I go from here when I know the client is using Merchant Center and a XLM feed running through Channable? Sorry, I'm new to this, so the more detailed the better.

Best Regards,

William | Designer

San Khong

Jan 23, 2018, 12:20:46 PM1/23/18
to Google Web Designer beta
Hi William,

When you preview a dynamic ad locally, Google Web Designer uses a sample json feed to display the content for testing. That's where the "Product 0 Description" comes from. When you select "No feed" from the dropdown in the browser preview window it will display the source of the images set in the file. There is no need to set the image source in the GWD file (other than providing a visual when you see the element on stage) because the content will come from the data feed when the ad is served. What you can do is to ask the client for a sample feed that has the url to the real images so you can add your own json file to the feeds folder next to the GWD author file for testing with the client's images and text  instead of GWD samples.

After the client has the feed set up, you can just give him the published zip to upload to AdWords to test the AdWords preview.
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