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JORDAN Lipchev

Oct 21, 2016, 4:17:01 AM10/21/16
to Google Web Designer beta
Hi GWD Team,

I have severel bugs to report since i have used the software several times :)

Here they are:


When i have loaded the sprite image into the sprite component and i also have red the descriptions about settings such as crop size, duration and so on, so everything is ok with that
but when i go to preview the result of the banner in Chrome and Firefox i see the banner Ad perfectly. When i unfocus the current tab where the ad is and focus another tab in the browser
and after a minute i go back to the same tab where my Ad preview is i have super fast animated sprite image.Despite i have given the component a speed of 40ms betwean each frame it just
becomes really fast. I think that it tries to show animation for the skipped time while i was outfocusing the tab.


While i was doing my banner in Advanced mode,  i have a bug with key to key easing. Once i have set the easing type to Custom somehow later the same easing is correctly market in the timeline as Custom easing
but it's not properly animated in the Ad preview test.

Another bug is when i have and easing betwean 2 keyframes and somehow they dissappears later. I think here it's why i have grouped elements to move them so i will move the whole animation and after that
i have breakapart the elements in the group.


Strangely i have fewtimes when just got white blank space instead of the software UI. So i have to Ctrl+Alt+Del and force to clode the software and reopen it.


When i was trying to select obejct and right click it while all the upper layers are closed it was not possible, so i have to move the layer right to the top, then right click it and wrap it for example and after that move it back to it's position in the layers.
This is very bad future. I can only select layer if no layer is above it eavenif those layers are locked.

SOME ADVICES for better UI and UX:

- keyframes should can be placed at any time such as 720ms, now when i create keyframe it goes to 700ms or 800ms. This can happen if the current time above the timeline can be clicked then i change the time to 0:00.72 / 23 s then the timeline goes to this time
and when i right click on the selected layer and make a keyframe it goes exactly to this time. Another way is to go in a code mode, but it's very difficult to find the exact piece of code i should change.
- LAYER names - this is maby the biggest UX fail. It's really hard to understand and orient when u have alot of layers with names DIV / IMG / GROUP etc. It's ok to have this names as a created elements but i need to have
the opertunity to RENAME them and set a new names which can be places as a class in the objects so i can find those objects easily later in a code mode or a data- param whatever, but a layered structure with lots of layers named DIV or IMG is a disaster.
- DISPLAY NONE. This future must be implemented as a timeline preview. Here is an example, i need to disable some layer for a while insted of setting him out of the Ad visible space or instead of givving him opacity 0 -
If i have a img sprite and move it out of the composition or set him to opacity 0 this will not reveal the object for the user, but behind the browser will calculate those object. I want to use display:none so i will be shure it will not be rendered by
the browser BUT also i need to manage this by the timeline so i can clearly see the indicator that this element is rendered after this keyframe till this keyframe. Now the timeline does not have this future i think.
- RIGHT PANNEL - the right pannel which contains the properties is perfect! I think it's gonna be greater if when only one tab is currently opened and the rest are closed this exact tab to use the whole rest height of the Right pannel.
This future would be perfect for only one selected tab, so i would not go to resize the tab each time i switch betwean tabs in the right pannel.
- REPLACE LIBRARY OBJECTS - it will be nice to have future to replace object in the library.

Thanks alot :)
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