I understand not making it the default behaviour to open .html files with GWD, however, wouldn't that be down to the user preferences with Finder (right click > open with > other > [select] always open with). With other apps e.g. Phpstorm you're still able to have it open .html files, however, it isn't the default behaviour for finder to open them with Phpstorm.
I also understand not allowing html files that haven't been created by GWD to be opened in GWD, however, it just struck me as a bit odd that if I select to open the file from finder it will give me an error but if open the same file from GWD it works absolutely fine. One of the reasons I was thinking about this is because at the minute it doesn't seem like there's a way to open more than one banner at the same time through GWD.
I do like the idea of .gwd file though.
As for the publishing question, are there any scripts or Grunt/Gulp/Webpack tasks/plugins available that could be used with the same functionality as the local publish feature so that people can automate their process?