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Nov 29, 2016, 11:24:38 AM11/29/16
to Google Web Designer beta
1. Text size gets stuck occasionally and will not change even if I edit the font size. Upon pressing enter to accept the new font size it simply jumps back to the stuck size. Nothing fixes this except for just recreating the text box and text, which is frustrating as I need to re-animate and fix events for the text.

2. Moving something that has mouseover/mouseout events attached to it causes the mouseover and mouseout events to stop working. Even if I go in to the events and update them for the new location of the object. The only thing that fixes this is recreating the objects. Extremely frustrating. Deleting the events and recreating the events does nothing. For example, multiple times this has happened when I have a button that upon rollover increases its height and width, and on mouseout returns to its regular size. In order to center the animation I also compensate by moving it left and up as it increases width and height. If I decide I want the button to be in a different spot, oftentimes either the top or height part of the event stops working. Nothing fixes this. Recreating the event the exact same way doesn't fix this. I am not a coder, so I have no idea what could cause this.

3. Sometimes animating the color of font or fill of an object works, other times it does not. This is doing it the exact same way, with different objects and files, sometimes it just does not change color. Same goes for changing color on mouseover with events.

4. Creating objects, events, etc, and then deleting them, does NOT return me to the file size I was at before creating them. If I start at 50kb and add some objects, create some animations/events for them, and the file size is now at 90kb, then decide I dont like them, after deleting my file size could be at 60kb. What is left over? Why doesnt it fully delete these things? This means that as I work on a project, deleting and replacing things, the file size steadily goes up no matter what.

Heres a question as well: Why does adding a simple label to the timeline add ~40kb to the file?? This is ridiculous considering a blank GWD file is around 40kb, and the adwords file size limit is 150kb. Not much room to play around in.

Nov 29, 2016, 2:43:24 PM11/29/16
to Google Web Designer beta
Another thing. When resizing text boxes with the mouse using the transform controls, sometimes it will constrain proportions regardless of whether that box is checked in the properties panel. Dragging the corner or a side will keep the proportions, and the only way to edit it without that happening is to do it on the properties panel.

Nov 29, 2016, 4:10:12 PM11/29/16
to Google Web Designer beta
Here I am at 129kb, I add a label to the start of the animation - suddenly I am at 161kb... Something about that doesn't seem right. Why should that be WAY WAY bigger than my most complex .SVG, at ~5kb.

Nov 29, 2016, 4:28:27 PM11/29/16
to Google Web Designer beta
Since im here I might as well mention a few more things as they come to me.

If you have two spots on the timeline that are pretty close to eachother, to add or edit easing between the two, you have to drag one farther away to be able to do so, then drag it back. From a UX standpoint, if I can fit my cursor between the two spots and right click, I should be able to add or edit easing. No reason to make the user do more work.

Nov 29, 2016, 4:37:19 PM11/29/16
to Google Web Designer beta
I've also noticed that upon opening a file, the timeline scale bar will be 1 "point" away from the left, but show no yellow besides the dot, making it appear as though it is all the way to the left, aka zoomed out fully. But you can move the dot to the left a bit and it will fully zoom out. This behavior is bizarre and I can only imagine it must be a bug and not on purpose.

I have attached screenshots to illustrate what I am talking about. "upon opening.png" is of course how the bar looks upon opening. "all the way to the left.png" is the bar fully zoomed out, and "in the same spot.png" shows the bar after I drag to the left one bit and back to the zoom level it opens at, note the presence of the yellow bar that is absent upon opening to signify how zoomed in you are.

all the way to the left.png
in the same spot.png
upon opening.png

Nov 29, 2016, 4:39:46 PM11/29/16
to Google Web Designer beta
And please fix the behavior of how selecting multiple keyframes works. Right now it seems as if there is absolutely no rhyme or reason to it. Shift and select grabs random keyframes, not the behavior I would want. perhaps implement the ability to do a box select in the timeline for grabbing multiple keyframes.

Currently it is a BIG pain to decide I want a portion of the animation to last longer, as I have to individually move each keyframe after it.

Nov 29, 2016, 4:45:05 PM11/29/16
to Google Web Designer beta
And as someone who doesn't code and is unfamiliar with CSS styles, it would be really helpful if pressing tab in the set styles box of an event would give me a dropdown of all possible styles I can set. You have no idea how many times I tried things like "fill" "color" "fill-color" before I found it was "background" that allowed me to change the color of a div.

In the same vein, hovering over things like buttons or input boxes to get more information or a "tooltip" about what it is or what it does (very common and an expected behavior in similar programs), it would be great if that worked in GWD.

Nov 29, 2016, 4:58:39 PM11/29/16
to Google Web Designer beta
I have also found that I VERY frequently have to click just to the left of a keyframe to successfully select it, and not its nearest neighbor to the right. Would love to just be able to click what my cursor is over.

Nov 30, 2016, 10:08:14 AM11/30/16
to Google Web Designer beta
If you set the page color to a gradient, you can't edit it with the gradient tool. Seriously?

So if I have a gradient as the background, it can only be going side to side, or radial, whatever I can change in the properties panel. I have to place a rectangle or a div and color it with a gradient if I want to do this currently. That's just unacceptable.

Nov 30, 2016, 10:51:21 AM11/30/16
to Google Web Designer beta
Why isn't changing somethings color an undo-able action? I certainly expected it to be.

Nov 30, 2016, 11:11:33 AM11/30/16
to Google Web Designer beta
Found another bug where if you try to copy and paste a hex color code into the text color input on the top of the screen, it just pastes it into the text box, replacing all the text you have highlighted.

I found this by creating some text, pasting a color code into the text color input, then when I tried to change it to a second color it wouldn't work. I could still type in the text color input, but copy and pasting would replace the text.

Nov 30, 2016, 2:05:09 PM11/30/16
to Google Web Designer beta
Creating something with the pen tool, and then setting the stroke to 0, does NOT get rid of the stroke. I HOPE someone is out there filing these as bugs, and (eventually) fixing them, you guys could sure use it!

Is anyone still actively working on Google Web Designer? Is there a Google Web Designer team?

Nov 30, 2016, 2:27:30 PM11/30/16
to Google Web Designer beta

If you have an svg, (not sure if it occurs with other types of objects, but I can consistently reproduce it with svg's), if you have an SVG and you go to the properties panel, and check the "scale uniformly" button ON, and increase the size by dragging one of the (x,y, or z) 3D scale inputs, then type 0 into one of the boxes, it breaks the scale uniform part. It remains checked, but it does not scale uniformly.

To reproduce:

1. select an .SVG
2. In the properties panel, make sure the "scale uniformly" button is checked ON
3. drag one of the 3D scale boxes to increase the size
(note that it works as it should, and the X,Y, and Z all scale together.)
4. in the same box you just dragged, type "0" to set the scale to 0
5. Drag that same box to increase its size
(note that the "scale uniformly" button is STILL checked ON)
6. It doesn't scale uniformly. Although it should.

Added weirdness, if you then drag it again, it scales uniformly now, and to fix it you must uncheck and recheck the scale uniformly button and type in your values to the 3D scale boxes.

Nov 30, 2016, 2:35:04 PM11/30/16
to Google Web Designer beta
Surprise another bug.

If you scroll to the bottom of the CSS panel with the trackpad, you can't scroll back up using the trackpad. You have to click and drag the scroll handle.

Nov 30, 2016, 3:00:10 PM11/30/16
to Google Web Designer beta
Another bug.

If you select a text box and click it with the text tool, so as to edit the text, and then scroll/pan around the screen, the black dots on the corners and midpoints of the text box follow you around the screen until you stop moving, then they snap back to the text box.

Message has been deleted

Nov 30, 2016, 4:07:31 PM11/30/16
to Google Web Designer beta
Good another bug.

If you type nonsense such as bogus hex color codes or words into the text color box, it doesn't realize you didn't put in a valid color and not change color. it changes the text color to INVISIBLE. The bubble icon shows a grey fill, but the text turns invisible.

Nov 30, 2016, 4:40:14 PM11/30/16
to Google Web Designer beta
Wow. loads of problems with copying text and groups.

I dont know exactly the extent of it, but at least if you copy a group of text, that is at least 2 separate text objects grouped together, and copy and paste it, even if you rename them in the properties panel to have DIFFERENT ID'S, it will (FOR SOME REASON) keep them "linked" for lack of a better word, and any changes you make to one will reflet in the other.

If I am changing the ID's, OBVIOUSLY I DONT WANT THAT. THAT'S WHY I AM CHANGING THE ID's. this program i swear has more bugs than any other program i've ever used

Nov 30, 2016, 4:46:30 PM11/30/16
to Google Web Designer beta

can you tell I'm getting more and more frustrated as I write these? I've been using this program only for 3 days. There is NO reason a user should encounter this many bugs, in a program that's been in beta for years. You've had users telling you about bugs. What are you even doing?

the bug: if you are in a text box, you can't zoom in or out using cmd/ctrl and the + or - buttons. This is different than any other tool.

Sukhbir Kaur

Nov 30, 2016, 6:59:54 PM11/30/16
Hi James,

First of all, I would like to thank you for giving us your invaluable feedback.

I’m really very sorry that you are running into some issues while working in Google web Designer. We are looking into the issue's you have posted here and will get back to you soon.

Once again thanks for the feedback.



(Google Web Designer Team)

Dec 1, 2016, 9:31:35 AM12/1/16
to Google Web Designer beta
Fantastic. I am glad someone from the team has seen this! I'll continue posting any bugs I may find.


Dec 1, 2016, 9:47:08 AM12/1/16
to Google Web Designer beta
There seems to be no way to delete gradient markers if you add them. I wanted a gradient with 3 colors, so I easily enough added a marker to the middle of the gradient bar. I decided I wanted to go back to two colors. How do I delete the gradient marker? There is no clear way.


Dec 1, 2016, 9:51:54 AM12/1/16
to Google Web Designer beta
Wait. Now I deleted the object to try to recreate it as that was the only thing I could do to change the gradient, I thought. But now EVERY object I create , if I try to add a gradient to it, STILL has the 3 gradient markers by default now. I cannot create a gradient with less than 3, now that I've added a third one to an object that's since been deleted. This is a MAJOR bug, I now have to restart my project if I want to create gradients that aren't stuck like this.


Dec 1, 2016, 11:05:26 AM12/1/16
to Google Web Designer beta
Bug - 

if you give something an ID, then delete it, and try to give that ID to a different/new object, it gives you the error "The id ____ is already in use. Please use a different one." This however, isn't true, as looking in the code shows no ID that matches it.

There seems to be a lot of problems in Google Web Designer to do with deleting things and having the program REALLY delete it. For example, the assets folder just keeps filling up with every object you have imported even if you delete them. I had to go into the assets folder and delete many no-longer-used .SVG's and other assets. This problem with the ID seems tangentially related.


Dec 1, 2016, 11:39:19 AM12/1/16
to Google Web Designer beta
Another text bug.

If you create a text box without dragging it on the canvas, but just by clicking on the canvas with the text tool, the properties panel will show that the text box has a width and height of 0. This is wrong, as you can clearly see the outline of the text box change size with the text. As soon as you change the width/height in the properties panel, it will update to the size you input.


Dec 1, 2016, 12:28:17 PM12/1/16
to Google Web Designer beta
A label adds about 40kb. I have consistently had at least 40kb added to the project upon creating a label. This NEEDS to be reworked. People who use this for creating ads have small maximum file size requirements. I am not sure how this is adding so much to the project, but something about that has to change, it is just unreasonable. Someone who is using this for ads basically can not use the label function.

Sukhbir Kaur

Dec 1, 2016, 2:09:46 PM12/1/16
to Google Web Designer beta
Hi James,

Please see my comments inline.

  1. Text size gets stuck occasionally and will not change even if I edit the font size. Upon pressing enter to accept the new font size it simply jumps back to the stuck size. Nothing fixes this except for just recreating the text box and text, which is frustrating as I need to re-animate and fix events for the text.

We will log a bug for the text size issue.

  1. Moving something that has mouseover/mouseout events attached to it causes the mouseover and mouseout events to stop working. Even if I go into the events and update them for the new location of the object. The only thing that fixes this is recreating the objects. Extremely frustrating. Deleting the events and recreating the events does nothing. For example, multiple times this has happened when I have a button that upon rollover increases its height and width, and on mouseout returns to its regular size. In order to center the animation I also compensate by moving it left and up as it increases width and height. If I decide I want the button to be in a different spot, oftentimes either the top or height part of the event stops working. Nothing fixes this. Recreating the event the exact same way doesn't fix this. I am not a coder, so I have no idea what could cause this.

I’m unable to reproduce this issue.Please give us details or an example where  mouseover/mouseout events are not working properly.

  1. Sometimes animating the color of font or fill of an object works, other times it does not. This is doing it the exact same way, with different objects and files, sometimes it just does not change color. Same goes for changing color on mouseover with events.                                                 Are you trying to use animation for canvas elements( Pen,Rectangle,Oval and Line tool) then yes, Images inside canvas elements can't be changed using timeline animation. The enclosing canvas tag can be animated (to move the entire tag), but the color or shape of the image in the canvas tag can't be animated.You can find more details in our help section

  2. Creating objects, events, etc, and then deleting them, does NOT return me to the file size I was at before creating them. If I start at 50kb and add some objects, create some animations/events for them, and the file size is now at 90kb, then decide I dont like them, after deleting my file size could be at 60kb. What is left over? Why doesnt it fully delete these things? This means that as I work on a project, deleting and replacing things, the file size steadily goes up no matter what.   I’m unable to reproduce this issue. I have lots of elements/animation and events in my file and deleting  everything change the file size back to normal. IF you have any file samples where all  the content is deleted and still the file size is not decreased.Please send us that file at

  3. Here’s a question as well: Why does adding a simple label to the timeline add ~40kb to the file?? This is ridiculous considering a blank GWD file is around 40kb, and the adwords file size limit is 150kb. Not much room to play around in.
    A single label doesn’t add 40k, so we are not sure why  this is happening in your file.Please give us more details. Create a new file and Add elements and Label in timeline and let us know if you can still reproduce this.

  1. Another thing. When resizing text boxes with the mouse using the transform controls, sometimes it will constrain proportions regardless of whether that box is checked in the properties panel. Dragging the corner or a side will keep the proportions, and the only way to edit it without that happening is to do it on the properties panel.

    We are unable to reproduce this issue.  Are you trying to  use shift key with transform tool?

    1. Here I am at 129kb, I add a label to the start of the animation - suddenly I am at 161kb... Something about that doesn't seem right. Why should that be WAY WAY bigger than my most complex .SVG, at ~5kb.

    A single label doesn’t add 40k, so we are not sure why this is happening in your file.Please give us more details. Create a new file and Add elements and Label in timeline and let us know if you can still reproduce this.

    1. If you have two spots on the timeline that are pretty close to each other, to add or edit easing between the two, you have to drag one farther away to be able to do so, then drag it back. From a UX standpoint, if I can fit my cursor between the two spots and right click, I should be able to add or edit easing. No reason to make the user do more work.

    This is why Zoom is implemented. I guess we should be able to access to easing from a keyframe selection...but not sure when we have a practical workaround.

    1. I've also noticed that upon opening a file, the timeline scale bar will be 1 "point" away from the left, but show no yellow besides the dot, making it appear as though it is all the way to the left, aka zoomed out fully. But you can move the dot to the left a bit and it will fully zoom out. This behavior is bizarre and I can only imagine it must be a bug and not on purpose.

    1. We do have a bug for this issue.

    1. I have attached screenshots to illustrate what I am talking about. "upon opening.png" is of course how the bar looks upon opening. "all the way to the left.png" is the bar fully zoomed out, and "in the same spot.png" shows the bar after I drag to the left one bit and back to the zoom level it opens at, note the presence of the yellow bar that is absent upon opening to signify how zoomed in you are.

      Thanks, we already have logged a bug for this issue.

      1. And please fix the behavior of how selecting multiple keyframes works. Right now it seems as if there is absolutely no rhyme or reason to it. Shift and select grabs random keyframes, not the behavior I would want. perhaps implement the ability to do a box select in the timeline for grabbing multiple keyframes.

      Marquee selection for timeline  feature is not implemented yet. This feature will be available in our future release.

      1. Currently it is a BIG pain to decide I want a portion of the animation to last longer, as I have to individually move each keyframe after it.

                  Same marquee issue.
      13. And as someone who doesn't code and is unfamiliar with CSS styles, it would be really helpful if pressing tab in the set styles box of an event would give me a dropdown of all possible styles I can set. You have no idea how many times I tried things like "fill" "color" "fill-color" before I found it was "background" that allowed me to change the color of a div.   
        We do have code hint in CSS panel. If you type like background and with the arrow keys it will show different option available.                                                                              
      14 . In the same vein, hovering over things like buttons or input boxes to get more information or a "tooltip" about what it is or what it does (very common and an expected behavior in similar programs), it would be great if that worked in GWD.     
                  We do have tooltips. You can see the tooltip by hovering over .
      Screen Shot 2016-12-01 at 10.21.03 AM.png
      15 I have also found that I VERY frequently have to click just to the left of a keyframe to successfully select it, and not its nearest neighbor to the right. Would love to just be able to click what my cursor is over.
            The bug is  logged internally.
      16. If you set the page color to a gradient, you can't edit it with the gradient tool. Seriously?
             This is working as intended as page is not selectable in the backend.
      17. So if I have a gradient as the background, it can only be going side to side, or radial, whatever I can change in the properties panel. I have to place a rectangle or a div and color it with a gradient if I want to do this currently. That's just unacceptable.  
              Same as above.
      18. Why isn't changing somethings color an undo-able action? I certainly expected it to be.   
             I’m unable to reproduce this issue.You should be able to undo color to elements.Please give more details.
      19.  Found another bug where if you try to copy and paste a hex color code into the text color input on the top of the screen, it just pastes it into the text box, replacing all the text you have highlighted.                                                                                                                                           
              This is working as intended. The selected text container will be updated with the pasted hex color in the option bar. If you don’t want the selected text container to have pasted hex color first unselect the text container ,add the hex color in option bar ( text color) input box and Add a new text      
              container on stage.
      20 .I found this by creating some text, pasting a color code into the text color input, then when I tried to change it to a second color it wouldn't work. I could still type in the text color input, but copy and pasting would replace the text.   
       I’m unable to reproduce this issue. The Text color always changes for me when I copy and paste new hex color in option bar .
      21. Creating something with the pen tool, and then setting the stroke to 0, does NOT get rid of the stroke. I HOPE someone is out there filing these as bugs, and (eventually) fixing them, you guys could sure use it!
      We will log a bug for properties panel to not accept 0 .If you need to delete a pen stroke from stage ,select and hit delete key to remove.                                          
      22 If you have an svg, (not sure if it occurs with other types of objects, but I can consistently reproduce it with svg's), if you have an SVG and you go to the properties panel, and check the "scale uniformly" button ON, and increase the size by dragging one of the (x,y, or z) 3D scale inputs, then type 0 into one of the boxes, it breaks the scale uniform part. It remains checked, but it does not scale uniformly.
                    I was able to reproduce this issue and have  logged a bug internally.
      23 If you scroll to the bottom of the CSS panel with the trackpad, you can't scroll back up using the trackpad. You have to click and drag the scroll handle.     
                I’m unable to reproduce this issue. Can you give us more details like the screen display size ,OS and version. Do you have any other panel open like properties/ color etc ?  Is CSS panel fully expanded
      24 If you select a text box and click it with the text tool, so as to edit the text, and then scroll/pan around the screen, the black dots on the corners and midpoints of the text box follow you around the screen until you stop moving, then they snap back to the text box.             
      We are able to reproduce this issue and will log a bug
      25 If you type nonsense such as bogus hex color codes or words into the text color box, it doesn't realize you didn't put in a valid color and not change color. it changes the text color to INVISIBLE. The bubble icon shows a grey fill, but the text turns invisible.            
      We are able to reproduce this issue and will log a bug.
      26. copying text and groups.I dont know exactly the extent of it, but at least if you copy a group of text, that is at least 2 separate text objects grouped together, and copy and paste it, even if you rename them in the properties panel to have DIFFERENT ID'S, it will (FOR SOME REASON) keep
      them "linked" for lack of a better word, and any changes you make to one will reflet in the other.                                                                                                                                                      
           If you are copying and pasting the group, it will create group instances and they will reflect the changes if you edit in one group.
      27 . the bug: if you are in a text box, you can't zoom in or out using cmd/ctrl and the + or - buttons. This is different than any other tool.                                                                                             
                    This is working as intended , This is good feature request and Ii’ll log this as feature request on your behalf.
      I  hope this helps!


      Dec 1, 2016, 2:26:13 PM12/1/16
      to Google Web Designer beta
      Thank you! It is great to get a response like this, I am glad to hear I could bring a few bugs to your attention. I am going to go through and see if I can make screenshots showing some things you could not reproduce!

      Sukhbir Kaur

      Dec 1, 2016, 2:45:31 PM12/1/16
      Hi James,

      if you give something an ID, then delete it, and try to give that ID to a different/new object, it gives you the error "The id ____ is already in use. Please use a different one." This however, isn't true, as looking in the code shows no ID that matches it.

      There seems to be a lot of problems in Google Web Designer to do with deleting things and having the program REALLY delete it. For example, the assets folder just keeps filling up with every object you have imported even if you delete them. I had to go into the assets folder and delete many no-longer-used .SVG's and other assets. This problem with the ID seems tangentially related.

      I'm unable to reproduce the ID issue you have mentioned. The error will prompt only when the element with the same ID exist. Please send us a screenshot or a file which have this issue.So I can take a look.

      Regarding the asset Library. When you add /import an asset in the Asset folder it remains there until user specifically delete it from the library.When you publish an Ad it only add the assets which are used in the ad.

      Please see our help doc on Asset Library here for details also


      Dec 1, 2016, 2:55:15 PM12/1/16
      to Google Web Designer beta
      2. I also can't get this to reproduce right now, but I will make note of it if it occurs again.
      3. What I am trying to do for example, would be to change the color of text over time, or the color of a rectangle or div over time. using keyframes. Is this possible currently?
      4. I am attaching 2 files that show this phenomenon. I have a 970x90 file that I deleted everything from. I have a 970x90 file I have not put anything into. The one with everything deleted is ~6kb larger than the other file when unzipped. The difference between these two is not that much, but still perplexing, and I have experienced a larger difference before, this is just for an example of the problem. The file with everything deleted is called "size test bigger file all" and the baseline file that never had anything in it is called "size". See for yourself, the one with everything deleted is bigger.
      5. Creating a new file and adding a label does NOT increase the file size dramatically. You are completely correct. I find that if I have a file with lots of objects, animations, events etc, and THEN if I add a label to the timeline, the file size increases dramatically. I don't want to send you my file as it is work related, but I am attaching screenshots showing this. The one with no label is "nolabel.png" and the one with label is called "withlabel.png". The ONLY thing that changed between screenshots is that I added the label. You can see there is an increase of 36kb. Sometimes it is more or less. But nearly 40kb. I did blur out some personal info but nothing important to what we are discussing.
      size test bigger file all


      Dec 1, 2016, 2:57:30 PM12/1/16
      to Google Web Designer beta
      Knowing that upon publishing only the used assets are included is great. That's nothing to worry about then.


      Dec 1, 2016, 3:21:42 PM12/1/16
      to Google Web Designer beta
      6. not using the shift key while dragging, should I be? I will take note of when this happens again and try to make reproducible steps.

      7.see last message

      8. the zoom is great, but if I am zoomed in fully and I have 2 keyframes close enough together, I have this problem. I can't zoom in any further, so i have to move one keyframe, right click to add easing, then move the keyframe back. I realize that I am fully zoomed in and whatever easing I add is a very short duration, but if I want to add easing I want to be able to easily regardless.

      11. cant wait for marquee selection of keyframes!

      13. The predictive text is great in the css panel. But what if I wanted to just see a list of ALL possible styles I can set for that object? Currently, I would have to know to type B to see "background" show up. As someone who is not familiar with css styles, having a dropdown or list of all properties/styles that I can set display when hitting tab/arrow key with no text in the box would be helpful.
      Or if I type "font-" it would be good to see "font-size", "font-color", etc, instead of only the first alphabetical item.

      14. You do have tooltips in some places. But I think there are places you could implement them. hovering over the add label or add event icons dont come up with a tool tip. hovering over the loop animation button does not have a tooltip, i had to click it to discover what it was. hovering over the + button at the bottom left of every panel on the right doesn't have a tooltip (add event, add custom user element, etc). There are many places that could still use tooltips.

      16. I won't pretend to know what that really means, but as a user I just find it odd that I can set the page color to a gradient, but not change the direction of the gradient. Or if it is a linear or radial gradient. I can do that with every other object that I can set the fill as a gradient, why not the page?

      18. This is super reproducible. Take a text object, change the font color using the bar at the top. Press ctrl-z or cmd-z. It does not undo the font color change. Happens every single time for me.

      19. I don't think I explained myself properly. What I mean is if you have text highlighted, and then go to the top bar and click into the font color input, and highlight that #000000 (or whatever color is in there) and press ctrl-v or cmd-v to paste a hex color code into there, it replaces the text in the text box with the color code. It still stays #000000, and now your text says #134C46 or whatever. This is very reproducible for me, and I do not think it is working as intended. The font color input shows the blinking text cursor thing, which signifies that I am active in that font color input box at the time of pasting, so it definitely is a bug. if this is (for some reason) the actual intended behavior, i suggest you change it, because it does not make any sense to have the font color input box active and then upon pasting the text goes into the text box.

      23. honestly this one is random. I can make it happen if i just keep scrolling up and down in the css panel, but when/why it occurs i dont know. But i would say it happens often enough for me to notice and be annoyed. my os is osx yosemite 10.10.5, on a MacBook Pro (Retina, 15-inch, Mid 2015).

      26. it would be nice if there were a way to "break" that relation to the original group. If I am copying and pasting something it usually is because I want to do something different with a copy of that object. So being able to break the ID relation between them and allowing me to ID the second group differently is key.

      Sukhbir Kaur

      Dec 1, 2016, 3:55:26 PM12/1/16
      to Google Web Designer beta
      3. What I am trying to do for example, would be to change the color of text over time, or the color of a rectangle or div over time. using keyframes. Is this possible currently?
          Text and Div color  animation should work without any issue. Color animation for shape is not supported. Please use Div instead of rectangle  for color animation.
      4. I am attaching 2 files that show this phenomenon. I have a 970x90 file that I deleted everything from. I have a 970x90 file I have not put anything into. The one with everything deleted is ~6kb larger than the other file when unzipped. The difference between these two is not that much, but still perplexing, and I have experienced a larger difference before, this is just for an example of the problem. The file with everything deleted is called "size test bigger file all" and the baseline file that never had anything in it is called "size". See for yourself, the one with everything deleted is bigger.
        Thanks for the files . I can see that some of the span animation are not removed in code view  but I was not able to reproduce this in my files Can you give us more information on how the span were created?
      5. Creating a new file and adding a label does NOT increase the file size dramatically. You are completely correct. I find that if I have a file with lots of objects, animations, events etc, and THEN if I add a label to the timeline, the file size increases dramatically. I don't want to send you my file as it is work related, but I am attaching screenshots showing this. The one with no label is "nolabel.png" and the one with label is called "withlabel.png". The ONLY thing that changed between screenshots is that I added the label. You can see there is an increase of 36kb. Sometimes it is more or less. But nearly 40kb. I did blur out some personal info but nothing important to what we are discussing.
      I still can't reproduce this issue on my side.But may be  its some elements in your file is adding that 40 kb for a label.Try Div instead of rectangle shapes whenever your can.



      Dec 1, 2016, 4:09:39 PM12/1/16
      to Google Web Designer beta
      3. Perhaps in that file I was using rectangles. I will try it with divs instead.

      4. span is text right? (sorry, I am not familiar with css or coding all.) I created all text using the text box tool. I'm sorry I can't be more specific.

      5. in that file there are no rectangles, only divs. I can reproduce this in every single file I have that contains multiple events, animations, and objects. every single completed file I have, if I go in and add a label, it adds about 40kb. Every time.

      Another bug I found is that right clicking the timeline on the events row and selecting "add label" doesn't always pop up the "type label name" box. in fact, most of the time it does not come up, and I have to use the create label icon button. All that comes up is "add label" and "add event" but only the add event one works.


      Dec 1, 2016, 4:14:48 PM12/1/16
      to Google Web Designer beta
      Heres a weird one.

      Clicking anywhere in the workspace while the animation is playing creates a text box. It does not matter what tool is selected, or if it is just the mouse, if I click on the page or off the page while the animation is playing, it creates a text box. Very strange.


      Dec 1, 2016, 4:31:39 PM12/1/16
      to Google Web Designer beta
      I have an example of the mouseover events no longer working after moving an object. I even went into the events associated and updated their values to reflect the new position of the objects. But it no longer works. The event is that upon mouseover of a tap area, it moves a div 4px down, and upon mouseout, that div moves back up 4px. There is a separate event doing the same thing to text, moving it 4px, and that is also not working. I moved the text and the div together as they are a button, and i was changing the location of the button. After moving it, the events no longer work.

      I don't want to post it here, but if you share your email with me I will send it to you and you can take a look.


      Dec 1, 2016, 4:34:02 PM12/1/16
      to Google Web Designer beta
      However, clicking the button still exits the ad and goes to the website i specified. So not all events are broken, it seems just mouseover events. I have double and triple checked that there isn't another invisible object on top of my tap area that would be causing it to not trigger, but I can click it anyways so I knew that wasn't it.


      Dec 1, 2016, 4:42:31 PM12/1/16
      to Google Web Designer beta
      Even deleting the events and trying to remake them does not work. It seems that after moving these objects associated with a mouseover event they no longer respond to any mouseover events that are altering the same css styles. That is important. I WAS able to make the button respond to mouseover events that alter different styles, such as width. but the "top" property, which is what I was using to move the button down and then up 4px, no longer works.

      Sukhbir Kaur

      Dec 1, 2016, 4:57:53 PM12/1/16
      to Google Web Designer beta
      Thanks !

      Can you please send your file So I can debug it further.


      Sukhbir Kaur

      Dec 1, 2016, 5:12:20 PM12/1/16
      to Google Web Designer beta
      6. not using the shift key while dragging, should I be? I will take note of when this happens again and try to make reproducible steps.
        Still not reproducible.It will be great if you send us  the reproducible steps.

      13. The predictive text is great in the css panel. But what if I wanted to just see a list of ALL possible styles I can set for that object? Currently, I would have to know to type B to see "background" show up. As someone who is not familiar with css styles, having a dropdown or list of all properties/styles that I can set display when hitting tab/arrow key with no text in the box would be helpful.
      Or if I type "font-" it would be good to see "font-size", "font-color", etc, instead of only the first alphabetical item.

      I'll log a feature request for this .

      14. You do have tooltips in some places. But I think there are places you could implement them. hovering over the add label or add event icons dont come up with a tool tip. hovering over the loop animation button does not have a tooltip, i had to click it to discover what it was. hovering over the + button at the bottom left of every panel on the right doesn't have a tooltip (add event, add custom user element, etc). There are many places that could still use tooltips.
         I'll add a feature request to add more tooltips

      16. I won't pretend to know what that really means, but as a user I just find it odd that I can set the page color to a gradient, but not change the direction of the gradient. Or if it is a linear or radial gradient. I can do that with every other object that I can set the fill as a gradient, why not the page?
            The stage is not selectable so you can't edit the gradient color in the page.This is as designer. But If you really need a Gradient background you can add a Div with the same size as Ad and apply gradient color.
      18. This is super reproducible. Take a text object, change the font color using the bar at the top. Press ctrl-z or cmd-z. It does not undo the font color change. Happens every single time for me.
         Sorry I still can't  reproduce but I'll keep an eye on this one.
      19. I don't think I explained myself properly. What I mean is if you have text highlighted, and then go to the top bar and click into the font color input, and highlight that #000000 (or whatever color is in there) and press ctrl-v or cmd-v to paste a hex color code into there, it replaces the text in the text box with the color code. It still stays #000000, and now your text says #134C46 or whatever. This is very reproducible for me, and I do not think it is working as intended. The font color input shows the blinking text cursor thing, which signifies that I am active in that font color input box at the time of pasting, so it definitely is a bug. if this is (for some reason) the actual intended behavior, i suggest you change it, because it does not make any sense to have the font color input box active and then upon pasting the text goes into the text box.
        Thanks for the details . I was able to reproduce with the steps given above and we have logged a bug for this.
      23. honestly this one is random. I can make it happen if i just keep scrolling up and down in the css panel, but when/why it occurs i dont know. But i would say it happens often enough for me to notice and be annoyed. my os is osx yosemite 10.10.5, on a MacBook Pro (Retina, 15-inch, Mid 2015).
       I'll keep an eye on this one too 
      26. it would be nice if there were a way to "break" that relation to the original group. If I am copying and pasting something it usually is because I want to do something different with a copy of that object. So being able to break the ID relation between them and allowing me to ID the second group differently is key.

      You can break apart a group by selecting the group and right click to invoke  context menu and select break apart. Here are the details about breakapart.


      Dec 2, 2016, 10:27:01 AM12/2/16
      to Google Web Designer beta
      Thanks for showing me the breakapart option! That will be great for my workflow.

      I would like to add a feature request for something, more control over the text would be awesome. Being able to control the leading and kerning would be a huge improvement! I find myself having to create lines of text as separate objects almost every time, so that I can control the leading manually.


      Dec 2, 2016, 1:39:24 PM12/2/16
      to Google Web Designer beta
      I do not know what I did, but now every text object I create adjusts the text based on my zoom level. When I zoom out the text moves out of its text box based on my zoom level. Is this a setting I somehow changed? Or is this a bug? The text I created before this started happening still stays where I put it no matter how much I am zoomed out or in.


      Dec 6, 2016, 1:03:52 PM12/6/16
      to Google Web Designer beta
      There is definitely an issue where text gets stuck at size 32. It has happened to me many times, often after highlighting and changing the text size. Upon accepting the change, the text changes to 32px, instead of whatever size I specified. Highlighting and trying to correct this only results in the text staying at 32px. Do you know about this?


      Dec 6, 2016, 2:49:54 PM12/6/16
      to Google Web Designer beta
      It would be nice if there could be a spot to show the file size. it could be to the right of the file name. Just so I don't have to check it by going to the publish screen every time.


      Dec 8, 2016, 11:18:58 AM12/8/16
      to Google Web Designer beta
      Heres a great feature requests: guides. Like indesign, illustrator, or photoshop, the ability to pull down guides from the rulers would be extremely helpful.


      Dec 8, 2016, 11:43:56 AM12/8/16
      to Google Web Designer beta
      Why is the viewport so inaccurate? What you are working on in the workspace doesn't accurately reflect the true positions of objects. This is seriously so frustrating. I have to constantly flip between previewing and working on it, just to place objects where I want them to be. I have attached screenshots showing this. This has GOT to be fixed guys.

      Look at the difference in the screenshots. Nothing was changed between screenshots. Notice the red circled areas, as well as the vertical distance between the first word "TarDisk" and the top green object. It is clearly different in the workspace and the preview.

      Screen Shot 2016-12-08 at 11.36.26 AM.png
      Screen Shot 2016-12-08 at 11.36.32 AM.png


      Dec 8, 2016, 4:14:32 PM12/8/16
      to Google Web Designer beta
      I am having a very concerning issue. Files I have not edited are messed up upon opening them. I have not edited, worked, changed these files in any way since I published them a day or two ago. These files were perfect. 

      Now when I open them, text is out of place either vertically or the text box itself has its width decreased, which causes line breaks in text. 

      Someone tell me why my files are changed by Google Web Designer when I am not using it. This is an unbelievable problem. I know I have basically just used this thread to talk about all the problems i have found, but this takes the cake. I can't even trust Google Web Designer when I'm not using it? How did my text get messed up?


      Dec 8, 2016, 4:21:55 PM12/8/16
      to Google Web Designer beta
      IN FACT, after going through my files, it looks like every text box in all of the files I made yesterday and today (7 files) has been moved upwards by around 5px. WHAT IS GOING ON


      Dec 9, 2016, 9:33:21 AM12/9/16
      to Google Web Designer beta
      I am still very consistently getting huge increases in file size when I add a label. Here are two screenshots showing my project with the label, and with the label removed. That is the only difference between these two screenshots. 42kb. 

      By very consistently, I really mean every single time. I really just want you to recognize this as a problem instead of saying it isn't reproducible. 
      with label.png
      without label.png


      Dec 9, 2016, 10:57:52 AM12/9/16
      to Google Web Designer beta
      if you copy and paste a photo into Google Web Designer instead of importing asset with CMD+SHIFT+I, it incorrectly lists the width and height in the properties panel as 0px by 0px. If you try to drag one of those to resize the photo, it makes it a square, because it constrains the proportions to match 0px by 0px. If you don't know the aspect ratio of the photo you can't really get it to normal again.


      Dec 9, 2016, 1:57:01 PM12/9/16
      to Google Web Designer beta
      Here's another something that's minor but frustrating. When you place a div or other object, often the first things you're going to do is set the location and size.

      So if you go to the Left box, type in the number, press tab, type in the number for the Top, then press tab again, it highlights the keep constrained button for the width and height. I think it would be MUCH more logical if it instead jumped to the width box, then the height box. This would make setting the location and width and height faster.

      Svein-Tore Narvestad

      Dec 10, 2016, 9:27:44 AM12/10/16
      to Google Web Designer beta
      I can't see the problem, just select the tag tool and drag out the size of the div as you want. Then height, top, left and width are set automatically.

      Aug 17, 2017, 7:01:05 AM8/17/17
      to Google Web Designer beta
      I can confirm that adding a label adds ~40-50kb to banner size. This is very frustrating since I practically can't use labels when creating more complex banners.
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