Change button color when I rollover it!

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Nov 7, 2017, 6:05:39 PM11/7/17
to Google Web Designer beta
Hi, I just wanted to change background color in a button when I rollover it. I.E: Button is blue and text white, and want to change background color from blue to grey.

Actually this button is a group, and I see there's no event option to do that directly in event panel.

Thanks in advance.

Nov 8, 2017, 4:46:08 AM11/8/17
to Google Web Designer beta
I would like to help please add me on Skype ID: cis.ron

San Khong

Nov 10, 2017, 4:41:27 PM11/10/17
to Google Web Designer beta
It's actually pretty simple to use the event for this. Assign an id to the group and to the button inside the group (in the Properties panel).

Right click on the group on stage and select Add event...
Select Mouse > Mouseover event
Select CSS > Set styles as the action 
Select the button id (displayed as group id button id) as the target.
Click on Add property button and set the CSS property, such as background-color, tab and assign the background color such as a hex value for the color such as #ff0000.
Click OK to save.

Hope it helps.
Google Web Designer team
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