Possible bug: Cannot use external URL for video teaser source

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Apr 29, 2017, 11:33:03 PM4/29/17
to Google Web Designer beta
I am using the teaser reels component at https://support.google.com/richmedia/answer/6251541?hl=en
I have been unable to use the video i want to use as the teaser which is hosted at an external url (on rackspace servers). So the video file is something like
I can use this video just fine when using the normal video component and as the "Source" (under Teaser Reel Component Properties) for the teaser reels component but NOT when entering it as the "Teaser source" (under Teaser Reel Component Properties) when using the teaser reels component. 
The error I get in the console in relation to the Teaser source is:

index.html:1 XMLHttpRequest cannot load https://dfsdfTHISISNOTANACTUALURL-JUSTSAMPLE.ssl.cf1.rackcdn.com/videofile.mp4. No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. Origin 'null' is therefore not allowed access.

Is this a bug with the teaser reels component?

San Khong

May 1, 2017, 1:16:16 PM5/1/17
to Google Web Designer beta
Hi dreamerdad,

In the teaser reels component link that you sent, it said 
Teaser source

The filename to use for creating the teaser video. This should match the source filename, but don't include any of the source path.

For example, if you set the Source to: http://s0.2mdn.net/ads/gwd/placeholder_video.mp4

Set the Teaser source to:

So it looks like you cannot use the external source for Teaser source. Have you tried not including the full url?

Google Web Designer team


May 18, 2017, 4:48:08 PM5/18/17
to Google Web Designer beta
Ah! Ok, that makes sense. Thank you!!! Will try that.


May 19, 2017, 5:16:22 PM5/19/17
to Google Web Designer beta
Unfortunately, this is not working for me. Please see http://nimb.ws/1OIPtq
Are you able to replicate the error I am seeing and which is shown in my video screen share?
The video URL I am using - just for test purposes is http://techslides.com/demos/sample-videos/small.mp4
Can you send me an example creative similar to the one I have done where the preview or the published version works?


May 22, 2017, 3:02:42 PM5/22/17
to Google Web Designer beta
I do now see the following in the help guide:

"Components can't be previewed inside the Google Web Designer interface. To preview the teaser video, your creative must first be uploaded to Studio.

When you first upload a video to Studio, it will take 3-5 minutes to transcode. Transcoding must be completed before the video can be previewed."


1. Can I publish the zip file locally or do I have to publish to Studio?

2. If I have to publish it to Studio, can I publish it to Studio, export the published file as a zip and then upload that zip file to DFP as a html5 creative?

Note: I have DFP Small Business and access to Doubleclick Studio. I do not have a Doubleclick Campaign Manager account.


May 23, 2017, 1:53:30 AM5/23/17
to Google Web Designer beta
San - Thanks again for your help with this, If you could advise regarding my latest questions as soon as you have a chance I would really appreciate it as it is a time sensitive matter for one of my clients.

San Khong

May 24, 2017, 12:55:01 PM5/24/17
to Google Web Designer beta
Hi dreamerdad,

I just contacted the developer who created the teaser reels component and he confirmed that this component only works on DoubleClick Studio. The component must have used Studio API. 

I checked the documentation and it said it's for DoubleClick Studio rich media creatives. I'm sorry it's not clear that it's not for DFP.


May 24, 2017, 2:02:07 PM5/24/17
to Google Web Designer beta
San - Just to clarify. I did publish the creative from Google Web Designer to Doubleclick Studio.  And I do see that it is now previewing just fine in my doubleclick studio account. But I do not have a DCM/DFA account and I do not have a DFP Premium account so I cannot create an association between this creative and those accounts. Really wish you could enable associations in my DFP Small Business account. Is that possible? Alternatively, Can I download a zip version of the Studio creative and then upload that zipped file as an html5 creative in DFP or must I have a DFP Premium or DFA/DCM account in order to traffic this?


May 24, 2017, 2:04:31 PM5/24/17
to Google Web Designer beta
I must say my team and I have been working on this for months and it is a bit frustrating that google provides us with access to tools to design these ads but not the technology needed to traffic them unless we spend tens of thousands of dollars a month on DFP Premium or DCM. Really wish there was an option for smaller boutique agencies like mine that can design highly complex creatives but cannot afford your current price points for DFP Premium and DCM, even through the resellers.

San Khong

May 24, 2017, 3:48:21 PM5/24/17
to Google Web Designer beta
It's not enough to have DFP Premium or DFA/DCM account because the creative requires Studio processing in order to work.  Studio identifies Teaser Reel components and performs processing on the associated video, so it needs to be trafficked as a DoubleClick Studio Richmedia creative.


May 25, 2017, 10:00:36 AM5/25/17
to Google Web Designer beta
San -  I am indeed processing it as a Doublecllick Studio creative. I see the creative in my Studio account. I see the preview of the image too and it looks fine. But you are saying that I would have to traffic it as a Studio creative via either DFP Premium or DCM, correct? I would have to use either one of those two trafficking methods - via DCM or DFP Premium, correct? I cannot build the creative in Doubleclick Studio, download a zip of it and then traffic the zipped files as an html5 creative through my own ad server, is that correct?
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