I am trying to set up multiple YT videos in my ad and track the interactions for each. When I add the players, they default to use the same tracking metrics, but once uploaded to Studio, not all videos trigger the metrics.
Next I manually changed each YT player's tracking be unique to each player. This resulted in only the first YT player triggering any tracking. All the other players triggered none.
Is tracking multiple YT videos a supported feature right now? If yes, what is the best way to do it?
Hi iaik,
Thanks for reporting this issue . I’ll log a bug on your behalf .
Meanwhile as a workaround :
1 . Go to Code view and edit the code under <gwd-metric-configuration> </gwd-metric-configuration>
2 . Append ( id ) "gwd-youtube_1” in metric="gwd-youtube_1:YouTube play
as below
<gwd-metric-event source="gwd-youtube_1" event="playpressed" metric="gwd-youtube_1:YouTube play"></gwd-metric-event>
<gwd-metric-event source="gwd-youtube_2" event="playpressed" metric="gwd-youtube_2:YouTube play"></gwd-metric-event>
3. Repeat the above steps for all the metrics .
4. Save and publish the file .
I hope this help .
(GWD Team)