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Looping troubleshooting

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May 1, 2017, 3:47:50 AM5/1/17
to Google Web Designer beta
I made an rectangle with a simple animation. When I add a loop event to the file it causes trouble. It is working in my browser, but not accepted on DFP.
When i open the file in dreamweaver i noticed that when I add a loop, my body code is al in pink.

Can anyone help me out?

San Khong

May 1, 2017, 1:07:04 PM5/1/17
When you upload an ad to DFP, it must have DoubleClick environment and not generic (non-Google ad).  Please upload it as an HTML5 creative on DFP.

Please open your file in Google Web Designer and follow these steps to convert it from generic to doubleclick. Then publish the zip file and try again.  If you still run into a problem with uploading it after making the change, please share your author html file so I can help you take a look. 

Google Web Designer team
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May 3, 2017, 3:30:39 AM5/3/17
to Google Web Designer beta
Hey San,
Thank for your reply, but it still don't work. I already had the correct settings.

Here is my author html file.

Thanks in advance.


San Khong

May 4, 2017, 7:17:09 PM5/4/17
to Google Web Designer beta

I opened your author file in Google Web Designer, published it locally as a zip file, then upload it to DFP as a html5 ad and it's working fine for me. 
  1. Attached is the published file, go to
  2. Login with your account.
  3. Select the Delivery tab
  4. Click on Creative subtab on the left side.
  5. Click on Add creatives button.
  6. In the New creative popup, pick your Advertiser and click Continue.
  7. Click on HTML5 in the Creative: New creative.
  8. Click on Upload button at HTML5 file and browser to the GWD published zip file.
  9. When upload is successful, everything should be filled in correctly (Name, Size, Exit info).
  10. Click Save and you should be taken to the Preview page and exit click through works fine.
Hope it helps.
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