How can I make a rolling out advertisement banner.

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Jul 1, 2018, 7:36:11 AM7/1/18
to Google Web Designer beta
I would like to add add rolling out effect for my advertisement banner. when I hover mouse over the button a new page(more info) roll down from the top and when I move mouse from the ad then the ad goes back to its initial state.

Made a group and put 2nd page(more info) in that group and only make that group elements active when I hover mouse over the advertisement.


Jul 2, 2018, 3:01:52 PM7/2/18
to Google Web Designer beta
One way to handle this is with two pages like suggested, but without groups: a mouseover event on page one should goToAndPlay page2 (starting with the rollout animation). Then page 2 has a mouseout event which will goToAndPlay a rollout animation to Page 1.

Hope that helps,
Google Web Designer team

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