Super Slow Response GWD - version

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Rodolfo Miranda Company

Jun 26, 2018, 5:03:12 AM6/26/18
to Google Web Designer beta
Hello GWD peeps, 

We are experiencing a very slow response on the interaction with the interface in the newest version 
For example, if we click on a frame, the interface has a delay between 2-3 seconds until it responds. 
We have uninstall and re-installed GWD, empty the cache but still the same. 

Any idea? This is important since we use this tool on a daily basis. 


San Khong

Jun 26, 2018, 11:43:52 AM6/26/18
to Google Web Designer beta
Hi Rodolfo,

What OS are you on? We have heard a couple of reports on slow performance and it's on Mac El Capitan (10.11). We are working on re-imaging this OS so we can try to reproduce it. There is one report on Windows 8 but the issue seems to be resolved after changing the compatibility settings to Vista SP2, then run as Admin.

Google Web Designer team

San Khong

Jul 2, 2018, 6:32:32 PM7/2/18
to Google Web Designer beta
This looks like a Chrome issue in El Capitan in the Chromium build (66) that is used in the current Google Web Designer build. It has been fixed in Chrome 67 and will go away when we upgrade our build to 67. 

In the meantime, please workaround it by disabling gpu rendering.

Quit Google Web Designer and follow this instruction before relaunching:
  • Mac: Add a Boolean row to ~/Library/Preferences/ with the name disable-gpu-rendering and a value of YES, or run defaults write disable-gpu-rendering -bool true in Terminal.
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