Design view: TypeError: a.parentNode.getScreenCTM is not a function

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Joseph New York

Aug 18, 2017, 2:07:32 PM8/18/17
to Google Web Designer beta
I couldnt find anything online for bug reporting, so I hope this fourm is fine.

I've been using GWD for almost 2 years now, and most of my ads include inline svg code. This is a method used for accessing svg elements via CSS and JS to perform animations styling at runtime.

Anyways, any GWD project that has inline svg code, fails to open (aka fails to open in design view). Being that Design view is the default view when opening a GWD html file, it fails to open. So I comment out the svg code, open the file, and it opens. Then I switch to Design view, un-comment the svg code, and switch to Design view, and get an error message:

Unable to open file in design due to the following error: TypeError: a.parentNode.getScreenCTM is not a function

I believe this error is due to the way that Chrome's Webkit plugin that GWD uses to render the preview in Design view, when the Webkit plugin has been updated on your computer. I think this because Chrome stopped supporting  getScreenCTM().

This is a critical issue for GWD as it stops me and all my colleagues for making changes to old campaigns, and from using inline svg in the future, because we all use Design view and it's very time consuming to have to alter html code just to open a file.

OSX GWD v1.9


San Khong

Aug 18, 2017, 2:21:52 PM8/18/17
to Google Web Designer beta
Hi Joseph,

This forum is the right place to report issues to us. I'm sorry you are running into this issue. Can you please share the author file with us so we can try to reproduce the issue? Please open the file in Google Web Designer, select File > Save as zip...Upload the zip to Google Drive and share the url with us here in this post or send an email to

Google Web Designer team

Joseph New York

Aug 18, 2017, 3:38:48 PM8/18/17
to Google Web Designer beta
Hi San,

I emailed you a link to the zip you requested. I can't post it public-ally as it's for a current account. Thanks!

San Khong

Aug 18, 2017, 3:54:19 PM8/18/17
to Google Web Designer beta
Hi Joseph,

Thanks for the file. I was able to reproduce the issue in the current release 1.9. However, it appears to be fixed in our latest internal build. There was a lot of code change in SVG in our latest internal build so it might be hard to pinpoint what fixed the issue. We will investigate this further and keep you updated.

Joseph New York

Aug 18, 2017, 4:51:29 PM8/18/17
to Google Web Designer beta
Sounds great, looking forward to the next update!
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