export/publish multiple html5 files from a dynamic GWD template and a .json

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May 4, 2018, 6:23:20 AM5/4/18
to Google Web Designer beta

I have xcel and json databases from online shops... I also have a dynamic GWD template binded to that .json

Can I generate automatic multiple html5 banners? (one per database row preferably)

And if that is not posible with in GWD... could I use javascript to fix it?

Hernán M.

-multiple means =10.000 banners. :)


May 4, 2018, 10:54:30 AM5/4/18
to Google Web Designer beta
If I understand correctly you have dynamic data for 10,000 items and want to generate a static version of your ad for each item. There is no native support for this, but it can be done manually and Google Web Designer supports custom Javascript. So you could do the first one, track your changes and then write your own automation script.

Hope that helps,

Google Web Designer team


May 4, 2018, 12:32:27 PM5/4/18
to Google Web Designer beta
Yes, you undestood correctly, sorry for my english (not my first language)

thanks so much for your quik response!

Sure, your answer helps a lot. Now I now the way to go :)

Hernán M.


May 4, 2018, 1:01:08 PM5/4/18
to Google Web Designer beta
Maybe the benefits of using a dynamic starter file is to quickly view your different items and enable automatic text-fitting but the conversion from dynamic to static (especially if the swipeGallery component is used) can be complex.

A better approach in this case may be to create one static ad as your master and then automate the data insertion for all 10,000 items.
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