Creating a responsive banner (728x90)

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Nov 14, 2015, 11:53:48 AM11/14/15
to Google Web Designer beta
Hello everyone,

I'm trying to create a responsive banner for my website using GWD (728x90). I selected "Match viewports" in the publish size menu and preselected all my position in %. But now my banner uses all the size of my screen and is not 728x90 anymore.
Can somebody tell me how to make a 728x90 (for desktop screen) responsive (for phones and tablets).
You can check my edited HTML file (joined). It's driving me crazy !


Nivesh Rajbhandari

Nov 16, 2015, 2:29:54 PM11/16/15
to Google Web Designer beta
Ads are usually displayed within iframes/webviews of specific sizes. By selecting "Match viewport" and using percent-based layout, your ad will adjust to fit the size of the ad slot size -- that is, the size of the iframe the ad is displayed in.

Please display your banner within an iframe with width and height of 728x90. By using percent-based layout and selecting "Match viewport", you can display your banner within iframes of different sizes and are not restricted to using an iframe of 728x90.


Erik Heylen

Apr 19, 2016, 5:04:37 AM4/19/16
to Google Web Designer beta
you can test your designs here:
You can test different sizes.

upload your zip file (created with the function: 'Publish localy'). 
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