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Fwd: Donna Munroe

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Nov 26, 2015, 8:36:51 PM11/26/15
to GVVA News

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From: "Larry Pommen" <>
Date: Thu, Nov 26, 2015 at 4:04 PM -0800
Subject: Donna Munroe
To: "Wick, Darrell" <>, "Watson, Doc" <>, "Twohig, Brian" <>, "Szabo, Sandy" <>, "Smith, John C" <>, "Osmond, David" <>, "Murdoch, Robert" <>, "Martindale, Helen" <>, "Holtz, James" <>, "Holdstock, John" <>, "Hobson, Louis" <>, "Heywood, Peter" <>, "Hahlen, Chris" <>, "Greeves, Eleanor & Allan" <>, "Fibiger-Crossman, Michael" <>, "Ferguson, Don" <>, "Falk, Bruce" <>, "Fahning, Willi" <>, "Ervin, Michael" <>, "Bruin, Theo" <>, "Birch, Ian" <>, "Bennett, Norman" <>, "Barlow, Garnet" <>, "Anstey, Chris" <>, "Augustini, Carmen" <>

We have learned that Donna Munroe, wife of long-time Sidney Velo member, Gordon Munroe, has passed away. She had been ill with pancreatic cancer. Donna was one of our all-star volunteers, participating in virtually every Sidney Velo event for the last decade. We will greatly miss her kind, cheerful and helpful manner. I will pass long funeral arrangements when they become available. I will have a card for Gordon for signing at the Saturday and Sunday Sidney Velo rides.
Larry Pommen
Sidney Velo Cycling Club
800 Sea-Aira Heights
Victoria, B.C., V9E 2A2
Tel: 250-652-5815
Fax: 250-652-6754
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