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DEM Creation - Terrain tools unavailable

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John Prince

Feb 16, 2024, 6:10:22 PM2/16/24
to LiDAR360 Suite User Group
Hello. I am trying to make a DEM from my lidar point cloud. I removed outliers and classified the ground points, but when I went to click on "terrain" to create a DEM, this button was greyed out and I am unable to click on it. Have I missed a step in the DEM creation process?

Thank you.

Alvin Qiu

Feb 19, 2024, 3:12:26 AM2/19/24
to LiDAR360 Suite User Group
Hi John,

Thank you for leaving a message on the LiDAR360 user forum. 

If the tools under Terrain are all greyed out, then it is likely that you don't have activation for the Terrain module of the software. 

It is recommended to open the License Manager and click on the license to see the software and modules contained within your currently activated license. It would be good to also confirm the version of the software. 

Please let me know if you have any questions. 


Alvin Qiu
Solutions Engineer
GVI Support Team

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