How to shut down Usenet, at the flip of a switch (so to speak), post anything by E.D.G.)

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Jun 26, 2011, 1:14:06 AM6/26/11
to Guth Usenet (public but censored)
Post any topic including a link to a certain E.D.G. "Earthquake
Forecasting Program" and the whole Usenet comes to a screeching

Anything by E.D.G. seems to do the trick.
Try posting a link to either of his 128.html or 161.html

Apparently they nailed his coffin shut. I
guess there's no telling what authority is pissed off enough to
terminate our public Usenet access. If nothing else, this further
proves how quickly those in charge of our government can act to cut
off or at least delay all forms of public internet communications. It
took them only minutes.
Brad Guth, Brad_Guth, Brad.Guth, BradGuth, BG / “Guth Usenet”
Message has been deleted


Jun 26, 2011, 11:24:06 AM6/26/11
to Guth Usenet (public but censored)
I still can’t tell what’s going on with our Google Groups Usenet, as
of 2:03pm June 25 it seems our Google Groups version of Usenet is
either broken or intentionally terminated (again). It may have had
something to do with my having posted links to those earthquake
prediction pages by E.D.G. as hosted by freewebs dot com or freewebz
dot com.

Obviously Google Usenet or perhaps their NOVA still has a grudge
against anything published by either freewebs dot com or freewebz dot
com, because if I include an active link to E.D.G. "Earthquake
Triggering" it doesn't get accepted.

Quite obviously there’s someone in Qinetiq (CIA/MI6 and/or DARPA) that
is intentionally blocking/terminating any further access, and has the
whole damn Usenet sequestered for damage-control. How can posting a
link to public accessible documents that have been available for 7
years, even by a link that's made dysfunctional by others and/or
getting terminated by outsiders, prevent Google Groups version of
Usenet from working, unless it's all just because of my "Guth Venus"
discovery that's finally catching on.

Perhaps they just don't want any of us freelance investigative types
mentioning this most recent big rock that's coming extremely close to
us, and/or because apparently the mainstream media has been snooping
into whatever we have to say about such matters. Actually, if a
multitude of things are truly going from bad to worse, the last thing
our GOP/ZNR faith-based dominated and otherwise outside controlled
government doesn't want the public to read our interpretations, and
especially those of William Mook or myself, not that our contributor
"Warhol" is exactly a benefit to those insiders that want to keep
getting away with their obfuscation and skullduggery.

It took them only minutes after I'd posted links to those E.D.G.
documents in order to shut our regular public Usenet down, although
what others including yourself may have also contributed to such
mainstream damage-control.


For those few that still think they have an open mindset that isn’t
configured to self-destruct upon hearing a different interpretation
about the planet Venus, I might have some ideas and notions that could
prove rather interesting. However, if you are a certain kind of faith-
based and kinda social/political set in your ways, like 99.9% of
Americans having survived their K12 and higher education years, then
you may not have to bother yourself with any of this, because I’m only
going to piss you off.

Just because your government agencies and their mainstream media that
has to publish whatever is handed to them (or else), as well as
contained within those K12 textbooks tell us that this extremely
nearby planet Venus is simply too hot for any kind of conventional
Goldilocks life as we know it to survive in the nude upon its hellish
surface, doesn’t mean that imported and/or custom engineered life
couldn’t technically manage, not to mention whatever the laws of
physics and applied technology makes Venus perfectly doable even for
the frail DNA/RNA and physiology of us humans.

As far as renewable energy goes, it seems the planet Venus has us beat
by a good thousand to one, and with such local renewable energy
abundance plus no apparent shortages of raw elements (including H2O
and O2) is where anyone as smart or smarter than a 5th grader could
manage to survive, with loads of energy and local resources to spare.
This is not to say that any naked Goldilocks is ever going to be
happy, or that pizza and ice cold beer wouldn’t have to be imported
from Earth.

Here's that same old original cloudless GIF composite radar obtained
image file (as raw and not having been enlargement processed) that our
mainstream status-quo has been so deathly afraid others might actually
look at:
Without even downloading the GIF monochrome image, you can still
screen zoom-in on the small area in question (less than 10% of the
composite FOV), so as to keeping the raw 1:1 pixel format and its
rather limited resolution of 225 meters/pixel, and thereby have
yourself a perfectly good look-see at interpreting whatever that sort
of 225 meter per pixel resolution has to offer.

Here’s one of my basic 10:1 resampled enlargements of the very same
area that I’ve pointed out to NASA and others of their Magellan team
for more than the past decade, that’s still a generic composite
derivative like their original:
If you’d care to focus on anything specific, please do so, because
I’m not certain that my interpretation of what the image depicts is
offering the best or only option.

First of all, I kind of doubt the surface is significantly cooler than
reported, however the most recent ESA data via their Venus EXPRESS
mission has been reveling considerable atmospheric thermal
differentials that haven't been reported and/or published by others as
having previously had essentially the same or better science data to
go by. Those polar surface temperatures could be considerably cooler
due to them strong atmospheric vortex considerations that's causing
such upper nighttime cryogenic atmosphere to draw energy from the much
hotter lower atmosphere and it’s geothermally heated surface.

What we have here to look at and deductively interpret is a fair
number of unusually complex geometric patterns of unified or
associated pixels that don't seem to be entirely random geology
happenstance. However, there are a number of quite large items that
should be considered as natural, such as the "fluid arch" and perhaps
even that extremely large clover shaped reservoir could be perfectly
natural (even though the geology of Earth offers us nothing remotely
close to such size or geometric complexity). However, that extensive
and complex tarmac/airstrip as offering such an unusually flat item
situated with the mountainous terrain simply isn't as likely to be
formed by natural geology, nor is that highly unusual bridge item and
those multiple other large scale items of a nearby community of
geometric shapes and a their rational community like setting, of what
seems rather artificially structural and rational infrastructure
worthy should be closely reviewed by others to see if any or all of
those could have been formed by natural processes.

You folks must have at least as good if not a whole lot better image
processing for this resampling/enlargement capability, so please do
share that better result with us, so that at least we can be on the
same page and not looking at entirely different areas. If you need
some assistance or advisements with selecting and/or utilizing a photo
enlarging process, I’ll gladly donate my time and resources.

If you should interpret this image as only containing perfectly
natural hot rock and logical patterns of erosion, then you must also
have a number of reference example images obtained of terrestrial
geology and recorded by similar radar imaging resolution, by which
that interpretation of inert hot rock and natural erosion is based
upon, and naturally we’d like to have a look-see at whatever is within
your observationology frame of reference because you can’t just be
making stuff like that up in order to suit a given opinion.

Brad Guth / Blog and my Google document pages:
Brad Guth, Brad_Guth, Brad.Guth, BradGuth, BG / “Guth Usenet”

On Jun 25, 10:14 pm, BradGuth <> wrote:
> Post any topic including a link to a certain E.D.G. "Earthquake
> Forecasting Program" and the whole Usenet comes to a screeching
> halt.
> Anything by E.D.G. seems to do the trick.
> Try posting a link to either of his 128.html, 161.html or eq-forecasting
> Apparently they'd nailed his coffins shut.


Jun 26, 2011, 1:23:55 PM6/26/11
to Guth Usenet (public but censored)
You posted:

"Because of stealth moderation, the context of E.D.G. and hanson is
is only available here:

I haven’t been able to include the original topic context, because
it’s still getting systematically blocked or banished by whomever
doesn’t like hanson or E.D.G.. "


Perhaps Sundays are reserved for only the most "acceptable"
kinds of faith-based "sunday schools", (at least the most
government approved ones, as far as I can tell). That doesn't
disqualify my faith in an Everlasting God - it just makes me
cringe at the leaders of a nation who never, ever accepted the
belief that Christ was God Incarnate. That blew my mind!

I was horrified to learn of the level of occult activity of our
fathers, and this comes at a time of great refocusing on the
importance of "original intent".


"If you do not change direction, you may end up where you
are heading."

- Lao Tzu


Jun 26, 2011, 5:48:34 PM6/26/11
to Guth Usenet (public but censored)
Considering the "Yemenite Jews are those Jews who live, or whose
recent ancestors lived, in Yemen. Their definition of Judaism is that
of bloodline in this world, with no religious sentiment whatever.
This is the bloodline that the world's central bank owners claim.
Religion for them is merely a pretext to hide the racial, or
bloodline, aspect. They believe themselves to be superior to all other
people and all others - including other Jews - to be inferior to them,
to be animals." / William Mook

To myself it's kinda obvious who's pulling most of the upper most
important strings. Amazing when such faith-based satanic voodoo is in
charge of our republic, as to how much power, authority and control
outside of whatever we think of our elected government having, that
they actually have.

If you happen to be Qinetiq (CIA/MI6) or DARPA and have access to a
sufficient battery of secured and protected internet servers of your
very own, you can just as easily overload the bandwidth of our Google
Groups version of Usenet in order to essentially kill it. By rights
Google should bring multiple charges of intellectual treason, fraud,
extortion and of rogue black-ops espionage right back against our
government agencies and their contracted spooks and moles that have
their orders, as well as ulterior motives and hidden black-op agendas.

According to William Mook, yourself and a few others, we're headed for
some tough times that might make 9/11 seem like a dry run or a dress
rehearsal, because it's not just Muslims we're pissing off.


Jun 27, 2011, 11:00:00 AM6/27/11
to Guth Usenet (public but censored)
I see that they still have our Google Groups version of this public
Usenet terminated better than usual. Google’s public Usenet is dead,
and it’s not even my fault.

Amazing what Qinetiq, CIA/MI6 and DARPA, or via their rogue brown-
nosed minions can actually do whenever they like, by simply saturating
Google Usenet with terabytes of either gibberish or circular malware
code that brings everything to a halt. For such home-grown terrorism
and even treasonous acts, Google should really sue their socks off,
but then other parts of Google would likely get hacked and terminated.

Normal message and reply context along with the posting of links to
other information or images should never cause this kind of problem,
especially when other private but publicly accessible versions of
Usenet are still functioning, such as this one of “Guth-Usenet”
Brad Guth, Brad_Guth, Brad.Guth, BradGuth, BG / “Guth Usenet”

On Jun 25, 10:14 pm, BradGuth <> wrote:
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